question archive Suppose that an individual's utility function for consumption, C, and leisure, L, is given by U(C, L) = C0

Suppose that an individual's utility function for consumption, C, and leisure, L, is given by U(C, L) = C0

Subject:EconomicsPrice: Bought3

Suppose that an individual's utility function for consumption, C, and leisure, L, is given by

U(C, L) = C0.5L0.5

This person is constrained by two equations: (1) an income constraint that shows how con

sumption can be fifinanced,

C = wH + V,

where H is hours of work and V is nonlabor income; and (2) a total time constraint (T = 1)

L + H = 1

Assume V = 0, then the expenditure-minimization problem is

minimize C C w(1 1 L) s.t.

U(C, L) = C0.5L0.5 = U


(a) Use this approach to derive the expenditure function for this problem.


(b) Use the envelope theorem to derive the compensated demand functions for consumption

and leisure.


(c) Derive the compensated labor supply function. Show that ∂Hc/∂w > 0. 


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