question archive The paper need to be aminimum of 1,800 words about Hispanic culture and cite at least 8 different sources
Subject:CommunicationsPrice: Bought3
The paper need to be aminimum of 1,800 words about Hispanic culture and cite at least 8 different sources. You must have at least 2 scholarly articlecitations and at least 2 citations from books and/or our textbook. Probably the rest will be web sources, thoughthey can certainly consist of other scholarly articles or books. If 1800 words is not met (not includingtitle, references page, etc.), 0 points will be earned on the paper.
In the paper, present theculture and give necessary background information. This section should be less than onequarter of the paper, but needs to let the reader know what the culture is,where it is located, who the people are (any tribal or micro culturalqualities), what language(s) is used, relevant history of the culture, and themost significant qualities of the culture.
The next section, atleast half the paper, will be about the characteristics of the culture andits elements and how they are transformed into communication choices in theculture. You may choose to deal withmany of the culture characteristics, contexts, values, and codes that we havetalked about in class, but you may also specialize on just a couple ofcharacteristics (collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, etc.) orvalues (family, nature, etc.) Describe the relevant cultural characteristicsand then demonstrate their communication counterparts in terms of roles, andverbal and nonverbal code evidence. Pictures, stories, experiences, and related artifacts could be veryuseful in presenting the communication counterparts to the characteristics ofthe culture. All of this is mostefficiently organized to flow with the paper’s final section.
The last section, morethan one quarter of the paper, consists of your comparing and contrastingthe culture under study with your own. What are the most striking similarities and differences in terms of thecommunication and meaning process between the two cultures? Where will the two cultures probably be ableto communication smoothly with the fewest problems in terms ofmisinterpretations? (There may actually be no such situations.) Conversely, where might the problemsbe? What will one culture do or assumethat will be quite different, hurtful, and insulting to the other? From these analyses what do people in yourculture need to be careful about and how do they need to change so as to getthe most from intercultural communication with the culture you have presented?
In terms of citations, whena source is cited, it must include either the page number (in the case of papersources) or the paragraph number (in the case of a web pager) where therelevant information came from. Further,no more than 15% of the paper can beverbatim material from other sources, and all of this must be appropriatelyquoted. Otherwise, the paper will earn“0” points.
For this final paper, thegrading rubric will be as follows. Inmost cases, the points awarded are variable depending on the quality of thematerial presented:
· The paper is 1800 words or more in length, not including ReferencesPage, Title Page, or abstract – If not, then 0 points will be earned onthis paper