question archive Complete this teacher-scored portion of the Unit Testand submit it to your teacher by the due date for full credit

Complete this teacher-scored portion of the Unit Testand submit it to your teacher by the due date for full credit

Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3

Complete this teacher-scored portion of the Unit Testand submit it to your teacher by the due date for full credit.

Select one of the essay questions below to answer.


John D. Rockefeller said,“If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travelthe worn paths of accepted success.” Entrepreneurs in the late 1800s tookRockefeller’s advice to heart and broke new ground, especially in steel,banking, and Rockefeller’s own oil industry. Write a well-constructed essaythat describes the business techniques and innovations the industrialists ofthe late 1800s used to achieve success.


The nineteenth century could be called the railroad era. Crews made uplargely of immigrants completed the first transcontinental railroad on May 10,1869, opening a nationwide transportation network that had a tremendous impacton business, agriculture, and labor. Write an essay describing the impact of therailroads on other businesses and why the government attempted to regulate therailroads.


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