question archive Create a C# application that will select 3 values from SQL and do the below processing there after saving the data back to a new table
Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3
Create a C# application that will select 3 values from SQL and do the below processing there after saving the data back to a new table.
1. Create a dummyData table that will be used as an input to your program.
This table as 3 varchar fields:
· Name
· Surname
· Jumble Text
2. Loaded the data from the dummyData table into your application
Manipulate the fields as follows:
- The Name that was inputted should be revered
* Example if I put in the name Alex after button is press the textbox value should be xelA
- The Surname should be changed to do the following:
* All spaces should be changed to underscores"_".
- The Jumble Text should do the following:
a. Remove all Letters
b. Sort the numbers for High to low
c. Example: if I inputted "A3C1x57a9" I expect the following output 97531
d. You can add a label next to the Jumble Textbox to show the output
3. Create a new table where you can save the data after it has been processed. This table will have the same fields as dummdData table.
4. Save the fields back to SQL after they have been processed.
Notes: You can use a C# console app or forms app to create your solution. Include documentation