question archive Please  write in your own words do not copy from my  attached  executive summary just utilize the executive summary and consider and analyze how the following impacts success: resources, schedule, scope, budget, communications, training, and support

Please  write in your own words do not copy from my  attached  executive summary just utilize the executive summary and consider and analyze how the following impacts success: resources, schedule, scope, budget, communications, training, and support

Subject:FinancePrice: Bought3

Please  write in your own words do not copy from my  attached  executive summary just utilize the executive summary and consider and analyze how the following impacts success: resources, schedule, scope, budget, communications, training, and support. Length of proposal, including a title page and table of contents, should be 4-5 pages 12 font times roman,citations,references .Include the title page and table of contents in your page count.

Please take in mind that the  paper will be put through plagiarism checker  so please write assignment in your own words do not copy from  executive summary.

Below is  executive summary.

CompanyOverview: Catering Capers will be a new business to offer catering services topeople in corporate functions, weddings, funerals, holiday parties and birthdayparties. The business will help the people to enjoy their parties at the lowestpossible rates by handling their eating and drinking themselves.

Industry:Catering business is growing very speedily and famous in delicate industriesbecause it involves abundant cooking for a large number of people. In U.S.,there are more than 10,000 listed caterers that have employed above 150,000employees (Hill, n.d). Thereason is this, there are numerous opportunities for caterers in this field allover the world. Almost, catering business in U.S. counts for $7 Billionprofits. There is hardly a party or event that do not need catering services.

Profitor non-profit: Catering Capers is a nonprofit company because its major is notonly to make money but to serve the community with the lowest rates and also providinghomes, jobs and health facilities to poor people or employees. The company alsoinvolves in social service and create jobs for graduates.

Targetmarket: Schools, wedding centers, houses, organizations, sports centers, eventplanners (Mplans, 2016).

Salesand marketing strategy: Recruiting experienced staff for sales and marketing,direct or referral marketing, online marketing, promotion of products, adoptingguerilla marketing strategies, regular trainingprograms

Stakeholders:Employees and shareholders are internal stakeholders and customers, government,communities, partners, suppliers, creditors are external stakeholders.


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