question archive Assignment : Read the article (relationship_between_student_satisfaction_and_academic_achievement) and write a response to it that uses five quotes from the original

Assignment : Read the article (relationship_between_student_satisfaction_and_academic_achievement) and write a response to it that uses five quotes from the original

Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3

Assignment : Read the article (relationship_between_student_satisfaction_and_academic_achievement) and write a response to it that uses five quotes from the original. Use a different form of quote set-up for each quote- don’t repeat the same one for all five quotes. Try as much as possible to integrate these quotes into your own sentences, and use the higher level quote set-ups wherever possible. Be sure you’re balancing the quotes with analysis/points of your own.

*different form of quote sample is inside the attachment (basics_of_quoting.docx)

This should be two paragraphs, or one very long paragraph. You need 5 quotes, and you need to balance those quotes with some response of your own, so the minimum should be around 10 sentences.


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