question archive Plant cell can have all the three types of plastids, i

Plant cell can have all the three types of plastids, i

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

Plant cell can have all the three types of plastids, i.e. chloroplasts, leucoplast and chromopplasts at the same time.

The plastids in plants cells are of 3 types, i.e. leucoplast, the colorless plastids; chloroplasts, green colured plastids containing chlorophyll and chromoplasts, the plastids containg other pigments of different colors like red orange, etc.

These three types of plastids are interconvertible, i.e one type of plastids can get converted into another type. The colorless cells contain only leucoplasts.

The green cells have both leucoplasts and the chloroplasts. In ripening fruits the cells may have leucoplasts chloroplasts and chromoplasts.

The unripe fruits are green in colour when its cell contain leucoplasts and chroplasts. In ripenig fruits the cells may have leucoplasts chloplasts and chromoplasts; whereas in mature and fully ripened fruit, the cells have only chromoplasts.


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