question archive Simplifying a fraction pqpq means to rewrite it as an equivalent function mnmn such that pq=mnpq=mn, but mm and nn have no common divisors

Simplifying a fraction pqpq means to rewrite it as an equivalent function mnmn such that pq=mnpq=mn, but mm and nn have no common divisors

Subject:MathPrice: Bought3

Simplifying a fraction pqpq means to rewrite it as an equivalent function mnmn such that pq=mnpq=mn, but mm and nn have no common divisors.

In your case, the fraction 10201020 is not simplified, because both numbers are divided by 2 and 5.

Considering the generale case, if you want to simplify a fraction, you can write both numerator and denominator as the product of their prime factors, and then simplify all common primes.

In your case, one can write 10 as 2⋅52⋅5 and 20 as 2⋅2⋅52⋅2⋅5.

Thus, the fraction 10201020 can be written as 2⋅52⋅2⋅52⋅52⋅2⋅5. We can simplify one 2 and one 5 from both numerator and denominator, and so we conclude that 10201020 is simplified into 1212.


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