question archive ENSI101 Summer Term 2021 Essay Individual Essay – Date Due; Week 25 Summer Term, Friday 21st May 2021 by 1000hrs 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references Mark Allocation – 40% Entrepreneurship is an enduring global phenomenon, and innovation is promoted strongly as a key to solving global sustainability issues

ENSI101 Summer Term 2021 Essay Individual Essay – Date Due; Week 25 Summer Term, Friday 21st May 2021 by 1000hrs 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references Mark Allocation – 40% Entrepreneurship is an enduring global phenomenon, and innovation is promoted strongly as a key to solving global sustainability issues

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ENSI101 Summer Term 2021 Essay Individual Essay – Date Due; Week 25 Summer Term, Friday 21st May 2021 by 1000hrs 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references Mark Allocation – 40% Entrepreneurship is an enduring global phenomenon, and innovation is promoted strongly as a key to solving global sustainability issues. Entrepreneurs and innovators are in the spotlight, whether it be in addressing demographic change and ageing populations in some countries; developing new approaches to food production and equitable distribution for human populations in the face of global warming; creating so-called smart cities; or providing lowcarbon transport systems, entrepreneurs and innovators are in the spotlight. This essay task invites you to think big, and to look outside your normal frame of reference for inspiration. Question: With explicit reference to one of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals How is entrepreneurship in [your allocated country or region] contributing to global sustainability? Page One must detail the following; ? ? ? ? Identify clearly the country you are working with Identify clearly the UN SDG you are working with Identify the question you have set yourself to answer based upon the instruction given in the essay guidance. Write an Abstract – Write an essay abstract of not more than 100 words Your assigned country is detailed in Appendix B below. Each country has a publication assigned to it. This is a starting point for you to gain inspiration and ideas for your essay. Once you have established your essay question you can there use this site as a starting point for data and a points from where you can branch out to find more news and information. You are not restricted to only using this site, it is essential that you source alternative information. Remember that the University digital library has a wealth of business information and not only up to date business news, but news archives going back decades. Your allocation will be given via a Teams announcement. You will also need to reference academic material to support your understanding, thinking and proposals. Remember the more you read and the wider you read the better your essay will be, I guarantee you this! List of approved publications: Morocco – Albania – China – Myanmar – Estonia – India – Vietnam – Russia – Pakistan – Saudi Arabia - *** For supporting data see: *** You may chose the content and the goal with which essay aims to achieve, I would suggest you do this after looking at the contents of the web publication. These online publications mainly have dedicated business pages, if you struggle browsing the publication try using ‘entrepreneur’ as a search word. You must use all conventions of good academic writing in your essay. This includes a serious attempt at proper referencing. You have referencing guides so please read them. Your essay must also use some academic literature, possibly lined to the basic definitions of entrepreneurship, the economic impact of entrepreneurs, or technology in entrepreneurship. Your essay must explicitly state the development goal you are considering, if it does not the marker will be unable to mark your essay accurately. If you are planning on being involved in the family business at home when you finish your degree you can request should you wish to undertake this essay on Family Business instead of the nominated country. In that case, you should approach me directly ASAP to request a change. All submissions MUST be digital, must be on time and must be done in Word format through the ENSI 101 Moodle Website. Appendix A Essay Writing Guidance This is designed to help you compose an essay that will make it as easy as possible to read, which gives the marker the best chance of understanding your essay and giving you the best marks. Your essay should contain references to academic and other material as is appropriate. Your references should not be included within your word count Your essay should have as a minimum the following; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Title Essay Question you are addressing Abstract Introduction Headed Sections A Conclusion A list of references in Harvard style You should use the ‘Normal’ margin setting You should use Ariel font size 11 Word count identified at the top of the essay You should use sentences and paragraphs to break your essay into manageable and relatable pieces that will support the marker in reading and understanding your work. If you are struggling with academic writing or need support then there is ample support available from students services, with a notice board of availability on the ground floor in LUMS. If your word allocation says + or – 10% then you can exceed or miss the target words by that amount. For example, a 1000 word essay may have 1100 words as a maximum or 900 words as a minimum before you are marked down. All essays MUST be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Failure to do so may require a resubmission. All essays are submitted on Moodle, and should be submitted on time. If you have any issues with this consult with your UG or PG administrator. Leave enough time for submitting, just in case you have computer problems, connection problems of other unforeseen issues uploading. ALWAYS keep a back up of your work, paper or digital, telling me you have lost it, deleted it or the dog has eaten it will not qualify as an excusable reason for failing to submit on time. Appendix C ENSI101 Summer Term Essay 2021, Marking Rubric – Five pages in total REMEMBER: the task is to show your process and your learning as well as to describe your outcomes. Team number / Name ____________ Mark awarded ________ Marker’s initials ________ Date ________ Structure (30%) – this is more than just style, as it underpins your entire submission. Good structure drives good content. % weighting is indicative only Exemplary: essays overwhelmingly display … Competent, but improvable: essays generally show … Needs work: essays predominantly or wholly … Points of FAILURE: essays overwhelmingly show … ?Directly addresses the actual task. There is a clear thesis here, with obvious expression of intellectual curiosity. Overall, showing advanced essay writing skills and control over the task to generate FOCUS. ?High-order academic writing, with appropriate paragraph use and general layout. Clear explanation of contents and layout; artful use of signing and linking text to guide the reader. Full disclosure of the source story or articles used. ?Clear structure with explicit introduction and conclusion. Clear roadmap present. Coherent narrative across the piece. Easy and fast reading. Well-argued throughout, and may show originality of thought. [? (only exceptionally) this essay is far more than the sum of its parts, it has a Wow! factor (je ne sais quoi). Congratulations!] ? Clear start, generally flows well, though some sections may be less good. Variable focus on the actual task; or not explicit about what is being done or why. ? Consistent use of an appropriate academic tone. Clear attempt to coordinate complex material, and generally shows good judgment in word allocation. ? Good inherent navigability. Contents are mostly understandable at first reading; possibly lacking the short linking phrases and other style points that populate better work; no clear roadmap for the essay, or roadmap not followed. ? Basic essay form is present and writing is intelligible at first reading; possibly scope to improve focus of writing and take control of the essay. ? Erratic engagement with the task. Lacking a coherent narrative; slow to read; may require re-reading and crossreference between sections. ? Academic tone attempted in parts, but not consistently. Layout of text impedes the argument instead of supporting it. ?No roadmap. Partial, inconsistent or inappropriate use of signing and linking text. Work needed here. Poor or minimal use of paragraphs and sections to organise text. ? Argument is present, but the reader may need to search for it. Possibly unconvincing argument. At the lower end, plain and uninspired writing shows need for practice and style development. ? Failure to properly engage with the task. Lacking evidence of intellectual engagement. Generally, reads like a random collection of thoughts with no rational structure. ? Lacks academic tone, relying instead on colloquial language. Text may depend heavily on rhetorical argument that is not justified by evidence or theory. ? Absence / shortage of signing / linking text; narrative jumps between themes for no apparent reason. No paragraphs or inadequate splitting into sections; possibly a lot of repetitive or rambling text. ? Little evidence of essay planning and practice. Poor choice of how to allocate words across the sections of the essay. Essay lacks a coherent argument. ? Clear evidence of proof reading and conventions of professional production; e.g. page #s and formatting. ? High standard; some scope to finesse future work by proof reading. Page #s or formatting issues in places. Theory – specific to each question (30%) Practice (30%) – may include guest speakers or other examples ? Explicit reference to appropriate business journalism and, possibly other examples, with a convincing and concise summary of key points. ? Clear linkage between the story and theoretical material. No doubt about what is being said. ? Clear statements about how the examples inform the author’s understanding of theory. ? Theory introduced, but may need further explanation; or use of only a limited range of theory where more is appropriate, or theory used is basic. Perhaps some over-simplification, or undue generalization. Critical discussion attempted, but inconsistent and not universally convincing. ? Literature included but may be minimal for the stage of the module and what is expected. Add more in future. ? Key terms and concepts appear, but may lack full definition; evidence they are understood in context; or have no convincing argument about why this theory is important here. ? Source material named but could be summarised more effectively; may lack evidence of close reading. ? Author attempts to link to theory and the reader is clear about why this has been done. ? Brief statements about how T&P relate, but do not clearly say what the relation means to the argument. Present ation (10%) – a profess ? Explicit reference to appropriate academic literature, accompanied with relevant explanation of theory. Shows nuanced understanding of how to apply theory to the task. At least 12 sources of academic literature referenced. Tackles complexity, presenting a balanced view and defensible conclusions. Claims made are justified, showing scholarship and logical consistency. ? Critical treatment of source material. Multiple references clearly evident. ? Clear definition of key terms. Concepts are explained concisely. Clear evidence of understanding of theory and why it is relevant to the topic of the question. ? Only minimal appropriate theory from the academic literature. Tending towards personal or unsubstantiated opinions. Weak at critical discussion of how the argument is presented. Lacks effort to justify chosen theory and substantiate claims. ? Very minimal use of literature, possibly of variable relevance or quality; or literature may be alluded to or invoked but not explicitly named. ? Superficial treatment of concepts and academic sources; May rely upon the general meaning of key words. Writing shows no significant awareness of the actual syllabus. ? Source material is mentioned, but may be inadequate; or may tend towards inappropriateness. ? Partial or no links between examples and theory. Marker must read between the lines to generate the argument. ?Weak explanation of why the examples are relevant, or how they inform the author’s understanding. ? More like a first draft than a final professional work. ? No headings; may resort to bullet points. No page #s. ? Lacks appropriate theory from the academic literature. Overreliance on personal or unsubstantiated opinions, general knowledge, or gross generalisations. No critical discussion of the argument. ? Lacking literature or evidence of study. Personal ideas are not backed by evidence and, further, may be used with unjustified forcefulness. ? Writing fails to show that key concepts have been understood at all. What is presented lacks legitimacy. Little apparent effort to engage with the underpinning material. At the lowest end, wholly unconvincing. ?No or inadequate or inappropriate source stories; lacking evidence of any focused reading at all. ? Examples included in a haphazard manner, without justification. ? Fails to confront practice and theory; or may make gross generalisations that are not evidenced or argued. ? Very poor presentation, not really ready to be handed in. ? (Possibly) good use of appropriate headings and subheadings; possibly diagrams or other indicators of merit. ? On the word limit (+/- 50 words). ? Impeccable referencing throughout. ? May need to consider use of headings or other devices to structure thought and enhance the work, or to aid navigation. ? Missed the allowable word limit range by a margin. ? Consistently good referencing, though not perfect. ? Outside the acceptable length. If longer, contains a high proportion of irrelevant text, in which the author is clearly overreaching their knowledge. ? Partial referencing only – needs work. Some poor academic practice re. citations. ? Fails to follow conventions or guidelines for submission in multiple ways. ? Lacks professionalism. ? Missing or unacceptable referencing. Extensive and frequent poor academic practice or plagiarism present. Please learn and use Harvard with discipline. Note that these criteria are for qualitative assessments, such as essays. Table A – Criteria for grading qualitative assessment Result Broad Descriptor Grade Aggregation Score Pass Excellent A+ A A– 24 21 18 Pass Good B+ B B– 17 16 15 Pass Satisfactory C+ C C– 14 13 12 Pass Weak D+ D D– 11 10 9 Fail Marginal fail F1 7 Fail Fail F2 4 Fail Poor fail F3 2 Fail Very poor fail F4 0 Notes: Primary level descriptors for attainment of intended learning outcomes Exemplary range and depth of attainment of intended learning outcomes, secured by discriminating command of a comprehensive range of relevant materials and analyses, and by deployment of considered judgement relating to key issues, concepts and procedures Conclusive attainment of virtually all intended learning outcomes, clearly grounded on a close familiarity with a wide range of supporting evidence, constructively utilised to reveal appreciable depth of understanding Clear attainment of most of the intended learning outcomes, some more securely grasped than others, resting on a circumscribed range of evidence and displaying a variable depth of understanding Poor to borderline acceptable attainment of intended learning outcomes, displaying a qualified familiarity with a minimally sufficient range of relevant materials, and a grasp of the analytical issues and concepts which is generally reasonable, albeit insecure Attainment deficient in respect of specific intended learning outcomes, with mixed evidence as to the depth of knowledge and weak deployment of arguments or deficient manipulations Attainment of intended learning outcomes appreciably deficient in critical respects, lacking secure basis in relevant factual and analytical dimensions Attainment of intended learning outcomes appreciably deficient in respect of nearly all intended learning outcomes, with irrelevant use of materials and incomplete and flawed explanation No convincing evidence of attainment of any intended learning outcomes, such treatment of the subject as is in evidence being directionless and fragmentary Honours Class First Upper Second Lower Second Third Fail Fail Fail Fail 1. The rubric shows in detail how markers will use the University marking scheme (see next page) for this particular assignment. 2. You will receive the rubric before you submit your work, and you will receive a marked-up rubric with your graded paper. The rubric therefore provides feed-forward as you make your essay, and gives a structure for feedback on your individual work. 3. Use this rubric to check your own work. It might help you evaluate where you need to do more before submitting your essay for marking. 4. The rubric shows you how to make improvements in future assignments of a similar nature. Moving leftwards (columns) in each category (row) represents improvement. Look at feedback from your last essay and see what has been highlighted for improvement. 5. Take care to read the annotations to your written script, as well as any comments on these rubric sheets. These notes are also part of your feedback. They might help you improve your work in more than just ENSI101, though you are responsible for exercising judgement in this. 6. You may need to interpret the rubric for the specific essay that you are writing. Can you use a similar scheme for other tasks? The rubric is not used in a numerical way (i.e. we do not count up the number of ticks in each section), but the pattern of tick marks does give a good indication of the overall level of your work against the Lancaster University marking criteria for qualitative work (see next page). Each individual marker retains personal responsibility to determine the appropriate mark for your work.

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