question archive The following are some questions you may want to address in your critique no matter what type of article you are critiquing

The following are some questions you may want to address in your critique no matter what type of article you are critiquing

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The following are some questions you may want to address in your critique no matter what type of article you are critiquing. {Use your discretion. These points don't have to be discussed in this order, and some nray not be pertinent to your particular article.) 1. Is the title of the article appropriate and clear? 2. Is the abstract speci?c, representative of the article, and in the correct form? 3. Is the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction? 4. Do you ?nd errors of fact and interpretation? (This is a good one! You Won't believe how often authors misinterpret or misrepresent the work of others. You can check on this by looking up for yourself the references the author cites.) 5. Is all ofthe discussion relevant? 6. Has the author cited the pertinent. and only the pertinent, literature? If the author has included inconsequential references, or references that are not pertinent, suggest deleting them. 7. Have any ideas been ovmmphasizad or underernphasiZed? Suggest speci?c revisions. 3. Should some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted? 9. Are the author's statements clear? Challenge ambiguous statements. Suggest by examples how clarity can be achieved, but do not merely substitute your style for the author's. 10. What underlying assumptions does the author have? 11. Has the author been objective in his or her discussion of the topic? In addition1 here are some questions that are more speci?c to empiricalr'research articles. (Again, use your discretion.) 1. Is the objective of the experiment or of the observations important for the ?eld? 2. Are the experimental methods described adequately? 3. Are the study design and methods appropriate for the purposes of the study? 4. Have the procedures been presented in enough detail to enable a reader to duplicate them? {Another good one! You'd be surprised at the respectable researchers who cut comers in their writing on this point.) Last Edited 4!?!2009 How To Critique A J ournal Article Sponsored by" The Center [or Tudiing and Learning at. U13 5. Scan and spot-check calculations. Are the statistical methods appropriate? 6. Do you ?nd any content repeated or duplicated? A common fault is repetition in the text of data in tables or ?gures. Suggest that tabular data be interpreted of stunrnarized, nor merely repeated, in the text.

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