question archive A large organization that does automobile repairs must keep track of its repair facilities or garages, the mechanics, and their qualifications in terms of the courses they have taken, the dates they took the courses, and the grade each earned for each course

A large organization that does automobile repairs must keep track of its repair facilities or garages, the mechanics, and their qualifications in terms of the courses they have taken, the dates they took the courses, and the grade each earned for each course

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

A large organization that does automobile repairs must keep track of its repair facilities or garages, the mechanics, and their qualifications in terms of the courses they have taken, the dates they took the courses, and the grade each earned for each course. Descriptions of these items are as follows: • Garage: Garage's identification number and manager's name • Mechanic: Employee number and name • Course: Number, name, and duration (in weeks) (a) What are the entities (fields) in this situation? What are the attributes of each entity? (b) List the entities and their relationships to other entities or other attributes under one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many relationships. For example, "garage", to "manager" (one-to-one). (c) List the field names to be used in the system. For example, "garage number" is a field name. (d) Which field names have unique values? (e) Describe this situation using an E-R model.


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