question archive Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 6: SAM Critical Thinking Project 1c City of Honu Point CREATE, SORT, AND QUERY TABLES   GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_EX19_CT6c_FirstLastName_1

Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 6: SAM Critical Thinking Project 1c City of Honu Point CREATE, SORT, AND QUERY TABLES   GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_EX19_CT6c_FirstLastName_1

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Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 6: SAM Critical Thinking Project 1c

City of Honu Point



  • Open the file SC_EX19_CT6c_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as SC_EX19_CT6c_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • With the file SC_EX19_CT6c_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.
    • If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
  1. Dean Yamaguchi is a development officer for the city of Honu Point in Hawaii. Dean is analyzing city development projects that have been completed, are in progress, and have been proposed. He asks for your help in using Excel tables to complete the analysis.

    Go to the Completed Projects worksheet, which lists the development projects that were completed in Honu Point in 2021.

    Create a table as follows so that Dean can summarize and filter the data and display projects with the highest funding amounts:
    1. Format the completed projects data as a table using the same style as the table on the Current Projects worksheet.
    2. Use CompletedProjects as the name of the table.
    3. Autofilter the table to display projects with a Funding value greater than $10,000.
  2. Go to the Current Projects worksheet, which contains the CurrentProjects table listing city development projects that are under review or in development. The city recently received a proposal for a new development project.

    Insert a blank row at the end of the CurrentProjects table. Add a new record containing the data shown in Table 1.

* Table 1: New Record for the CurrentProjects Table


Project Name

Orchid Drive Zoning

Start Date


Number of Days


Project Type


Funding Type






In Development?



  1. Sort the CurrentProjects table in ascending order by Funding values so that Dean can quickly identify the projects by their funding amount.
  2. In a separate part of the worksheet, Dean wants to list the projects that are in development.

    Use an advanced filter as follows to list these projects in a new range:
    1. In the Projects in Development section, type Yes under the "In Development?" heading as the value to filter on in the criteria range.
    2. Create an advanced filter using the CurrentProjects table as the List range.
    3. Use the headings and data row below the "Projects in Development" heading as the criteria range.
    4. Copy the results to another location, starting with the second set of headings below the "Projects in Development" heading.
  3. As a contrast, Dean also wants to list the projects that are not in development. Filter the CurrentProjects table in place, and then use the filter arrows to limit the table display to projects that are not in development.
  4. Go to the Proposed Projects worksheet, which lists projects that were proposed in 2021. Dean suspects the ProposedProjects table has a duplicate record. Identify the duplicate as follows:
    1. Display all the records in the ProposedProjects table.
    2. In the Project Name column of the ProposedProjects table, use conditional formatting to highlight duplicate values using Light Red Fill and Dark Red Text.
    3. Delete the second instance of the duplicate record so that you can summarize the data accurately.
  5. The city of Honu Point wants to fast-track mixed-use development projects that use loans for funding. Add a column to the ProposedProjects table, and determine which projects meet the criteria as follows:
    1. Type Fast Track as the column heading to the right of the ProposedProjects table to add the new column. [Hint: Use the existing blank column as the new column. Do not insert a column.]
    2. In the cell beneath the heading, use the AND function that includes structured references to display "TRUE" if a project has both the Mixed Use project type and the Loan funding type. [Hint: To avoid an #SPILL error, enable implicit intersection by placing the This Row specifier (@ character) in front of field names.]
    3. Fill the rest of the column with the new formula if Excel does not do so automatically.
  6. Add a total row to the ProposedProjects table, that automatically counts the number of Fast Track values. Using the total row, display the sum of the funding amounts.
  7. Dean asks you to identify the projects that require 120 days or more to complete, those that require 60 days or more to complete, and those that require fewer than 60 days to complete.
    1. In the Number of Days column, create a new Icon Set conditional formatting rule using the 3 Signs icons.
    2. Reverse the icon order.
    3. Display the red diamond icon in cells with a numerical value greater than or equal to 120.
    4. Display the yellow triangle icon in cells with a numerical value greater than or equal to 60.
    5. Display the green circle icon in cells with a numerical value less than 60.
  8. Dean also wants to compare the funding amounts visually. In the Funding column, create a new Data Bars conditional formatting rule using Orange Gradient Fill data bars.
  9. In the "Number Proposed" heading, wrap the text to display the complete contents of the cell.
  10. Dean wants to summarize the number of proposed projects by the project type and calculate their funding amounts and average funding amounts. Calculate this information for Dean as follows:
    1. Use the COUNTIF function to calculate the number of proposed Commercial projects. Use the values of the Project Type column in the ProposedProjects table (ProposedProjects[Project Type]) as the range and the Commercial project type (cell I2) as the criteria.
    2. Fill the rest of the column with the new count formula.
    3. Use the SUMIF function to calculate the total funding for proposed Commercial projects. Use the values of the Project Type column in the ProposedProjects table as the range, the Commercial project type as the criteria, and the values of the Funding column as the sum_range.
    4. Fill the rest of the column with the new sum formula.
    5. Use the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average funding for proposed commercial projects. Use the values of the Project Type column in the ProposedProjects table as the range, the Commercial project type as the criteria, and the values of the Funding column as the average_range.
    6. Fill the rest of the column with the new average formula.
  11. In the range I8:L12, Dean needs to insert a summary of the city development projects from the previous year. Insert this data as a table as follows:
    1. Below the "2021 Summary" heading, enter the data shown in Table 2.
    2. Format the new data as a table, specifying that the data has headers.
    3. AutoFit the contents of columns I:L to display the complete cell contents.
    4. Apply the same table style as the ProposedProjects table on this worksheet to maintain a consistent style throughout the workbook.

* Table 2: Data for the New Table


Project Type








Mixed Use













  1. Go to the Funding Totals worksheet, which lists all the current and proposed development projects. Dean wants to display the data by funding type and then list the projects by start date. Sort the data in the table in ascending order first by the Funding Type values and then by the Start Date values.
  2. Dean also wants to calculate subtotals for each funding type. (Hint: You must complete all actions of this step correctly to receive full credit.) Calculate this information for Dean as follows:
    1. Convert the table to a range.
    2. Insert a subtotal at each change in the Funding Type value.
    3. Select the function that adds the values to calculate each subtotal.
    4. Add subtotals to the Funding values only.
    5. Include a summary below the data.
    6. Collapse the outline to display only the subtotals for each funding type and the grand total.
  3. Go to the Lookup worksheet, which lists project details, including the ID code that staff in the Development Division use to refer to the projects. Dean wants to find a simple way to look up a project name based on its ID.

    In the Project Information section, use a function to display the project name to the right of the corresponding label. Find the Project ID in the Lookup table, and return the product name from the second column using an exact match.
  4. Dean also wants to look up the start date of each project. Instead of using the VLOOKUP function, he suggests using the INDEX and MATCH functions, which are faster when working with large amounts of data.

    In the Project Information section, use functions to display the start date of a project to the right of the corresponding label. Use the Lookup table, MATCH function, and Start Date column for the INDEX function. Use the Project ID and ID columns for the MATCH function using an exact match.
  5. Dean also wants to identify the number of projects that have less than $5,000 of funding and calculate the average funding amount of commercial projects. Create formulas that provide this information as follows:
    1. Use the DCOUNT function in cell H8 to count the number of projects with funding amounts less than $5,000. Use the entire Lookup table (Lookup[#All]) as the database, Funding as the field, and the range G6:G7 as the criteria.
    2. Use the DAVERAGE function in cell H13 to average the funding amounts for commercial projects. Use the entire Lookup table as the database, Funding as the field, and the range G11:G12 as the criteria.

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. Save your changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.


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