question archive California, Oregon, and Washington have all decided they no longer want to be associated with the United States of America

California, Oregon, and Washington have all decided they no longer want to be associated with the United States of America

Subject:LawPrice: Bought3

California, Oregon, and Washington have all decided they no longer want to be associated with the United States of America. Since they no longer want to be part of the United States, they are planning to secede from the rest of the country, and start their own country called COW. COW plans on legalizing the ownership of slaves, as well as other practices generally frowned upon by the United States. COW will be importing slaves from a newly discovered ancient tribe in Antarctica and will be delivering the slaves through docks in Long Beach, California. The current US President, Charles Logan, wants congress to declare war against the newly formed Union of COW, but congress is busy discussing the merits of legalizing nuclear car engines, and has put the war declaration on the back burner. As Commander in Chief, Charles Logan orders a blockade of Long Beach Port using U.S. troops. Once the blockade is in place, President Logan holds a press conference declaring the U.S. is at war with COW, and will take full measures to make sure COW returns to the Union. Without being able to import slaves into Long Beach, COW will likely be unsuccessful in its secession attempt from the United States.

While the US is blockading the possible future country of COW, several COW supporters, who are US Citizens, are living in Arizona and attempting to help out by supplying COW with large quantities of food from Arizona (mostly chips and salsa, but a lot of chips and salsa) as well as sending messages about the strategy and tactics the US is taking during the blockade. These COW supporters living in Arizona are eventually arrested, and held before a military court in Phoenix, where they are all found guilty of treason and are to be executed by the Maricopa County Sheriff.

1. Can the president send a blockade to stop COW from importing slaves? Explain.

2. Can the president declare war against COW? Explain.

3. Should the COW supporters be tried in a military court? Explain.


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