question archive Below is a list of powers that governments exercise

Below is a list of powers that governments exercise

Subject:ArtsPrice: Bought3

Below is a list of powers that governments exercise.  In the U.S. some of those powers are "Reserved" (exercised by the states), some of those are "Express or Implied" (exercised by the U.S. government), or "Concurrent" (exercised by both).  


For each power note which of those three options best fits.  we can make a ven diagram to do this as well if that suits your fancy.  


Then, I need to do a brief (about a paragraph) explanation of any pattern you see to this madness.  Is there any method to this sorting?  Or are these powers randomly assigned?  I need to all the powers that are reserved have something in common with one another?  I need to do the ones that belong to the federal government have a common theme? 


  • Print money
  • Issue licenses (like drivers or fishing)
  • Regulate intrastate (within the state) businesses
  • Collect taxes
  • Build roads
  • Borrow money
  • Conduct elections
  • Regulate pollution
  • Ensure workplace safety standards
  • Educate children
  • Deliver mail
  • Establish local governments
  • Spend the money for the general welfare
  • Make and enforce laws
  • Charter banks and corporations
  • Make treaties and conduct foreign policy
  • Declare war
  • Enforce a minimum wage
  • Ratify amendments to the Constitution
  • Take measures to ensure public health and safety
  • Ensure the well being of domestic animals
  • Regulate interstate (between states) and international trade
  • Provide an army and navy
  • Establish courts
  • Make laws necessary and proper to carry out the powers listed in the Constitution
  • Exercise powers not listed in the Constitution


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