question archive For this discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about a psychological disorder that you have read about in Chapter 12

For this discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about a psychological disorder that you have read about in Chapter 12

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

  • For this discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about a psychological disorder that you have read about in Chapter 12. 
  • Scenario:
  • You are a Psychologist that will be presenting at a local community center to educate the residents about the disorder you have chosen from Chapter 12. When presenting you need to make sure that your Speech contains information from credible sources - at least two journal articles.  
  • -You will conduct research through the UMUC Library to learn more about your chosen disorder from Chapter 12 and find two related journal articles. 
  • Your Speech must contain the following five sections (*be sure to integrate your research and include APA citations into each section): 
  • Introduction
  • Discuss what the disorder is based on our readings and your scholarly sources.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding this disorder and how it impacts our society.
  • Discuss why you choose the disorder *include examples*Diagnostic Criteria based on the DSM-V (*The DSM-V is what psychologist use to diagnose clients, anytime a diagnosis is determined, the DSM-V criteria must be met)
  • Present the diagnostic criteria of the disorder.  The following websites provide the latest information on many mental health conditions:
  •  Epidemiology
  • Explain the epidemiology of the disorder (prevalence in our society)Etiology
  • Provide the etiology of the disorder (discuss two different approaches/perspectives about the cause of the disorder you chose such as Genetic, Behavioral, Cognitive, etc...)Treatment/Interventions
  • Treatment options (*you can use the research conducted (journal articles) to address treatment options.APA Reference Page - Document your sources


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