question archive You will need to create a PowerPoint Presentation on your assigned public policy question of no less than 10 slides, plus an additional slide for your works cited (minimum total of 11 slides)

You will need to create a PowerPoint Presentation on your assigned public policy question of no less than 10 slides, plus an additional slide for your works cited (minimum total of 11 slides)

Subject:SociologyPrice:4.87 Bought3

You will need to create a PowerPoint Presentation on your assigned public policy question of no less than 10 slides, plus an additional slide for your works cited (minimum total of 11 slides). A thorough and engaging presentation should include pictures, graphs and videos that will help explain the public policy made subject of your presentation. Should you choose to do your presentation on a public policy other than the one assigned to you, you will receive a deduction of 25 points from your presentation grade.

Each public policy question Dr. Hargis gives you will include a main subject and multiple sub-questions (see next page for questions). You must address (at the VERY least) every question and sub-question assigned. Along with the specific questions asked of you, you will need to provide the following (points will be deducted if you do not address these):

  1. A general explanation of the main subject of your public policy;
  2. Texas Republican perspective of the public policy;
  3. Texas Democratic perspective of the public policy;
  4. At least one bill in the most current legislative session that address this public policy (explain the bill and how it addresses the public policy issue);
  5. Pictures, graphs, videos and other items that will help “teach” your fellow classmates about the public policy; and
  6. End the presentation with your personal opinion regarding the public policy

Note: Your presentation will be graded for completeness and accuracy in “teaching” the public policy to your classmates, including all the sub-questions and the items, as well as how the information is presented. Quoted material needs to make sense, otherwise: DO NOT QUOTE. Your task is to take a subject policy and teach your fellow classmates about it. Plagiarism does not teach anything. Please make sure your color scheme is easy to read, that your key points stand out, and that you keep your audience (your fellow classmates) engaged. You must post your presentation to Canvas by WEDNESDAY by 11:59 PM central standard time. You must post your presentations as a PowerPoint or PDF file to the discussion board as an attachment when the discussion board opens for you. Late presentations will receive an automatic 10-point deduction.

Works Cited, 10 points: On the last slide of your PowerPoint Presentation, you need to list the sources that you used – you must use Chicago Manual Style (CMS). You must have a minimum of four sources. Your sources must be scholarly. You may not use Wiki sites or blogs. Refrain from getting information only from politician web pages as they are biased. If you include information from a news affiliate, you must include information from the ideological opposite news affiliate (I use the Fairness Doctrine when grading).

Comments, 25 points: The remaining 25 points will come from comments you post regarding other students’ presentations. You must look at five (5) presentations and post questions or comments for the students. Each presentation you comment on is worth up to 5 point for a maximum of 25 points, but please feel free to review all of the presentations. I reward exceptional interaction with up to 15 extra credit points.

Please make your comments constructive and helpful for other students. Your comments may concern the information presented or how the information is presented; for example, color schemes or animations, anything you enjoyed about their presentation or think could be improved. If you have counter research you would like to present, feel free to post it (but do so in a respectful manner). Include thought provoking questions or comments that can further the discussion. Please be courteous and mindful of your comments. Comments that do not follow the rules of netiquette will not be given points and may be reported to the Dean of Students

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