question archive Take a Stand Debate

Take a Stand Debate

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Take a Stand Debate. Andy Warhol famously said that "everyone is an artist." Debate Warhol's claim with a friend. Do you agree or disagree, and what reasons do you have for your opinion? Pop Art Presentation Research. What was happening in the 1960s when Pop artists were appropriating imagery from popular culture? How does this imagery differ from that used by Dada artists earlier in the 20th century? Take time to explore Dada on MoMA Learning. Alter an Advertisement Find an image on a billboard or in a magazine, photograph it, and import it into image processing software of your choice. Manipulate the image by cropping it, adding text or images to it, or changing its color. What kind of statements can you make? Give your manipulated image a title and show it to a friend. Rauschenberg & Co. Robert Rauschenberg famously said, "Painting relates to both art and life....I try to act in that gap between the two." Discuss. What does Rauschenberg mean by "that gap"? Discuss with a friend. Research. What other artists embrace Rauschenberg's ideas about the relatedness between art and life? Find and research other artists who have a similar ethos. Make a list of three to four of these artists, and define the ways in which their approach and work reflect Rauschenberg's quote. Transform an Object Select. Find an everyday object that represents where you live now. Make. Transform this object into your own artwork using a mix of mediums, including nontraditional art materials. Before starting, make a sketch to plan your work. Consider: What is your object's cultural relevance or meaning? How do you want to celebrate or change or critique that object's meaning? What materials will you use? How big will your work be


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