question archive Guessing or knowing the initial TCP sequence number (ISN) that a server will choose enables an attacker to establish a TCP connection

Guessing or knowing the initial TCP sequence number (ISN) that a server will choose enables an attacker to establish a TCP connection

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:9.82 Bought3

Guessing or knowing the initial TCP sequence number (ISN) that a server will choose enables an attacker to establish a TCP connection.

Please discuss if the following solutions are secure (to prevent hijacking etc.) and why. [x]32 denotes truncation of x to the 32 least significant bits. K is a (permanent) secret key stored locally and only known to the server. H represents a secure hash function (e.g., SHA256) and its algorithm is publicly known. Also note that || means concatenation and the current timestamp is represented as a UNIX timestamp.

  1. Server computes ISN as follows: ISN = [H(source IP address XOR destination IP address XOR current timestamp XOR K)]32  

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