question archive As a general rule of thumb, fast food is considered one of the unhealthiest foods people consume today
Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3
As a general rule of thumb, fast food is considered one of the unhealthiest foods people
consume today. It is absurd to claim that junk food contains any supplement. There are no or few
nutritional benefits to eating junk food. These foods cannot be eaten because of the numerous
additives in their production. As many people believe, eating fast food is not only bad for your
health but also dangerous to your health in far greater numbers than you might think.
In this contemporary age, everyone recognizes that fast food is not the most significant
thing to eat, but they continue to consume it. Many diet-conscious people today strongly condemn
fast food consumption because they want to control their weight and health. Is fast food nutritious?
Many people mistakenly believe that meals are already unhealthy; however, consuming a
nutritional and balanced meal at a fast-food establishment is still okay.
Notably, these objects seem to be health risks that cause illness, for example, coronary
disease, diabetes, obesity, and joint pain. Schlosser contends that fast food or junk food as several
people generally refer to it, impacts individual energy because it contains supplements, which
cause weakness (Bhaskar, P.72). Fast food's high sugar content exposes the body to increased
metabolic rates. This will upset a person's digestion system and make them uncomfortable in the
future. This is due to the pancreas secreting increased levels of insulin, which aids in keeping the
John Isenhour
Identify the causes of the problem in the second paragraph. The piece needs a single thesis statement to clearly define a work-related problem and a solution to the problem. A good thesis statement for this paper might read: "The primary solution to the problem of students dropping out of online classes is to build better relationships between online faculty and online students."
John Isenhour
Identify the problem in the first paragraph.
John Isenhour
Avoid using both first (I, me, we, us) and second person (you, your, yours) in academic work. Using these points of view can cause writers to avoid more descriptive writing such as naming a group that is specifically being described.
John Isenhour
Remove section headings.
John Isenhour
ENG.111.1D05 1 July 2022
McDonald 2
glucose concentration rising. Similarly, fast foods must not contain adequate amounts of sugars
and proteins. This causes exhaustion, irritability, and a desire for sugar.
According to Currie, Janet, et al., the proximity of fast-food restaurants to schools is to
blame for teenagers' unpleasant or unhealthy dietary habits (P.34-35). Most adolescents prefer
sweet foods, so when fast-food restaurants are nearby, they tend to consume a large portion of their
products without contemplating the health hazards and risks that may arise later. The proximity of
fast-food restaurants also influences consumption patterns. If an outlet is located near a school, it
can hurt students' dietary habits.
Students will consume more soda, consume fewer vegetables and organic products, and are
more likely to become overweight than their peers who do not have fast food outlets nearby or
within reach of their schools. This connection is not noticed for other risky behaviors, such as
smoking. Exposure to low-quality food surroundings can hurt the eating habits of school-aged
children. This problem could be mitigated or resolved if approaches or policies were implemented
to limit and restrict the opening of fast-food restaurants near school zones.
Main Support
Fast food can be a source of foodborne illness. Before slaughtering the animals, most
people do not know about the conditions in which they live. Pigs and hens are kept in cages, and
dairy cows hang upside down. It is reasonable to wonder if the foods produced in these facilities fit
human consumption, given the conditions under which they were raised. Fast food, according to
Myers, is one of the most convenient and least priced options for a meal (Para.5).
It is a considerable time and money saver, especially for people just arriving home from
work. Having a distinct advantage over the competition is sometimes enough to put a person in a
John Isenhour
Avoid starting a paragraph with material from external sources. It's better to make a general point in a topic sentence and then support that point with credible, properly cited sources.
McDonald 3
commanding position in the marketplaces" (Myers). Is there a better or faster way to satisfy one's
hunger pangs? On the other hand, how much of a price to pay when one has had their fill of fast
food and now suffers from new illnesses as a result?
Each year, foodborne illness causes anywhere from 6 million to 81 million sick people in
the United States, with up to 9,000 dying as a result. (Myers, P.3). Any one of these phone
numbers may belong to anybody. The overwhelming bulk of these germs can be found in fast food,
so it is essential to avoid them whenever possible. A dirty burger can cost thousands of dollars in
medical bills if eaten at one of these establishments (Prameela, 1).
To summarize, creating one's food is beneficial to one's health because it allows one to
control the ingredients, the cooking method, and the cook. Although fast food is prepared quickly,
there has been a rising worry over the quality of its ingredients (Tamara, 1). Fast food is terrible for
families because it reduces the time they have to spend with each other, preventing them from
getting to know one another. Having meals together as a family is a great way to connect and share
your experiences. As a result, customers should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of fast food
before making a purchase.
People need to take action to improve their health and that of the fast-food industry. Crates,
government alerts, and support for fast food addiction programs should all include nutritional
information. Fast food has the potential to harm people in a variety of ways, including heart
disease, excessive cholesterol, and fat accumulation in the body, to name just a few. It is in
everyone's interest to fight back against the fast-food industry so that they may offer healthier
options at the same or similar price and cost as the greasy ones. Action and impact on one's entire
life can happen simply by standing up for what is right.
John Isenhour
The body paragraphs in this paper should focus on describing why the solution(s) presented in the thesis are reasonable and possible. The best strategy is to follow the instructions in the "Specific Guidelines" area of the assignment instructions. You may view the assignment instructions in Module 6 or you may download a copy by clicking this link: Following the instructions carefully will help the piece to reach the required four page minimum.
McDonald 4
Work Cited
Bhaskar, Rajveer, et al. Junk Food: Impact on Health. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
"Fast Food." Advances in Medical Education, Research, and Ethics, 2022, pp. 69-94.
Simakova, Inna Vladimirovna, et al. Global Production and Consumption of Fast Food and Instant
Concentrates. IGI Global, 2022.
Thompson, Tamara. Fast Food. Greenhaven Publishing LLC, 2015.
Prameela, M. Causes and Effects of the Popularity of Fast food Restaurants and Fast food accessed
"Fast Food." Advances in Medical Education, Research, and Ethics, 2022, pp. 69-94
Myers, Bill. "The Convenience of Fast Food." Bill Myers Online. Web. March 06. 2011. Retrieved
From on April 26, 2017.
John Isenhour
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