question archive Module Paper A: ALPHAPLUS Summer 2022 Master International Management Semester: 2 International Operations Management Due to the recent downturn in the oil and gas industry, ALPHAPLUS faces financial pressure
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Module Paper A: ALPHAPLUS
Summer 2022
Master International Management
Semester: 2
International Operations Management
Due to the recent downturn in the oil and gas industry, ALPHAPLUS faces financial pressure. Currently, the business unit “Lighting” is performing quite badly and the GBU manager is forced to improve the profitability by cost reductions as soon as possible. The
CEO asked you, as Supply Chain Expert and COO, for your support.
The Lighting GBU produces the following light systems:
Apparently, Germany as main manufacturing location for the EMEA products is key of the problem. In addition, the Lighting-GBU has a factory in India, which manufactures similar products than EMEA, but only for the Asian market.
Having analysed the product portfolio of the Lighting GBU, you decided jointly with the
Managing Director of the GBU to focus on the emergency luminaires, as they are the
bestsellers of the GBU.
Emergency luminaire
An emergency lighting system provides reliable illumination for up to 3 hours when powered
by batteries. It is also available as emergency exit lighting with the escape signs of a customer’s choice. Possible choices are: Emergency lighting unit or emergency exit light,
1,5- or 3-hour battery life, wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, pendant or pole-mounted light.
Some models automatically perform a functionality test, use intelligent charging technology to extend the battery life, and shut themselves down when opened so you can safely replace
the battery or bulb without disconnecting it from the mains.
To get to know the products of the Lighting Business, you schedule meetings with people of the following functions within the GBU:
? Development Engineer
? Head of Sales
? Chief Procurement Officer
? Head of Manufacturing
? Logistics Manager
Development Engineer: He explains to you that the following options are feasible for
emergency luminaires on a global scale:
? Scope: ATEX (BVS), ATEX (IBE), ATEX (PTB), Brazil (ULB), China (CQST), EAC
(STV), EAC (Sortium), IECCx (BVS), IECEx (IBE), IECEx (PTB), India (PESO), and
Poland (CNBOP)
? Type of protection: IP54, IP55, IP56, IP64, IP65, IP65/66, and IP66
? Zones: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21, and Zone 22
? Minimum ambient temperature: -20 C and - 30 C
? Maximum ambient temperature: + 50 C and + 55 C
? Emergency light output: 100% 1,5h, 21% - 3,0h, 30% - 3,0h, 31% - 1,5h, 31% - 3,0h,
58% - 1,5h, 60% - 1,5h, and 60% - 3,0h
? Disconnection of the light: neutral white
? Description: compact sheet steel light fitting, compact stainless-steel light fitting,
emergency luminaire for fluorescent lamps, emergency luminaire with LED, light
fitting for liquescent lamps for central battery units, and linear luminaire for fluorescent
lamps for central battery units
? Rated operational voltage AC: 110 – 127 V, 110 – 240 V, and 220 – 240 V
You are quite shocked by the variance, which this product can have. In addition to these
enormous variances, it seems that the engineers are very open to create additional new
product variances of as a result a new product number for each customer, if a single item
changes – and this happens quite frequently as well.
Head of Sales: To get a better understanding about the Lighting business, you meet also
with the Head of Sales, who directly reports to the Lighting General Manager. He mentions
that globally the BU have a quite diverse group of customers:
? Customers with centralized buying departments: Customers who believe that
centralized buying and product standardization can help to decrease their
procurement spend. In addition, they are concerned about long-term supply
continuity and reliability.
? Customers with decentralized buying: These customers would like to have the
maximum adaptability of their products to their local needs and therefore apply a
decentralized buying approach. Their orders are placed with short-term notice and
they demand fast delivery, but accept to pay also reasonably good prices for this
? A few customers of the BU are OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and they
use the lighting product to manufacture complete modules for the oil industry. These
customers are very demanding and require special treatment and an engineering
team to individually develop their lightening solution.
? Long-term small and medium-sized customers: Some of them have already started
their business relationship in the founding phase of ALPHAPLUS (more then 40 years
ago). Their individual order volumes are small, but in sum they generate a relevant
sales volume. They are sharing their business plans well in advance and appreciate
ALPHAPLUS advise for selecting the most suitable product and how to best use it.
In return they are not only accepting fair prices, but also provide valuable input for
quality improvements or small (but valuable) product enhancements (often in joint
small project teams).
He explains that the Lighting BU has more than 8,000 customers and that ALPHAPLUS in
total has more than 20,000 customers globally. You are impressed by this high number of
customers. The sales manager proudly mentions that they dismissed all intermediate
dealers during the last years as they believe this provides a better customer insight and
consequently a higher margin.
Chief Procurement Officer: Your next interview partner is the CPO. She had started as an
engineer within ALPHAPLUS and has been within different procurement functions for more
than 20 years. On one hand, she knows the different sourcing markets very well; on the
other hand, she seems to be quite frustrated since manufacturing pushes for a high degree
of internal vertical integration, i.e. only buying the minimum from external partners, even if
they are more cost effective. It seems that nobody is hearing her speak when she is offering
opportunities to improve the cost structure or service.
On the other hand, she explained you very detailed that many categories can be sourced
outside the company for much better conditions (commercially and quality); especially
categories for which ALPHAPLUS has not a proven track record. This is particularly true for
the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and the Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) providers.
Based on her explanations it is with to know that there are different market positions of the
companies within the industry. In relation to the need of ALPHAPLUS the interesting market
segment is the segment for industrial electronics (IE) and not the service providers for
consumer electronics (CE), like Flex Ltd ( She had already established first
contacts to some IE industry participants, like Enics ( or Zollner
PCB EMS service provider
Based on a detailed analysis with the company Enics she was able to analyse the current
products and provided a cost breakdown which is clearly showing a case for external
sourcing of EMS services.
Logistics Manager: The interview with the logistics manager generated also conflicting
information. On one hand, the delivery performance of the Indian factory does not appear to
be bad – an audit revealed a delivery performance of 90%. On the other hand, the baseline
for this measure is unclear. Is it the required customer date, the confirmed date, or any other
date? Looking at the inbound information of the German location, the pictures becomes
worse: They measure only 50% delivery performance. Since almost all goods are shipped
via air freight (EXW – ex works), nobody really cares about the supply chain from India to
Another concern of the manager is the fact that he has the feeling that their logistics cost
and performance – especially in Central Europe – is not in accordance with their customer
expectations. The actual system is based on fully owned trucks and management of the
routing by ALPHAPLUS.
Head of Manufacturing: Your last interview partner is the Head of Manufacturing. He
confirms that they are very much pushing for a high internal value creation as they would
like to load their factory and achieve a high utilization rate of their staff. He also explains the
manufacturing and assembly process of the lighting products. Basically, a few components
(% of total)
• Electronic material is most
important cost driver (~60%),
hence selection of appropriate
electronic components is key to
manage total costs
• Assembly and testing represents
the next biggest cost element; it
might be worth to consider split[1]ting the value chain and assemble
in a low-cost country
• A well-designed development
process with the involvement of
design experts, development
supplier(s) and the production
supplier(s) is essential to manage
product quality, service and cost • Key to manage TCO is
standardization, especially with
PCBs and metal works as well as
pre-manufactured cables
(% of total)
(% of total)
(printed circuit
of the final lamps are produced in Germany. The major part is made in the Indian factory
and then shipped to Germany. The final assembly is then customized.
Depending on the protection level and type, different cable glands will be installed into the
housing first. As next step, the appropriate power transformer is installed, as final step, the
reflector, the lamp, and the cover.
The cable glands are used for safe cable entry into Ex
enclosures and can be used in a very wide
temperature range. Cable glands are designed to meet
the special requirements of explosion-protected
Due to this installation process, the plant is not able to react flexible to different customer
requirements. As the cable glands defined the customer specific configuration and is done
first, they realized high stock amounts of finished product at their warehouse.
After the interviews and getting to know the Lighting Business, you start preparing a
management presentation and report together with the GBU manager. You jointly decide
that the following areas should be covered in the report. To have a robust report you agreed
to justify all analysis and recommendations based on appropriate theoretical/academic
Production & Supply Chain Management
1. You conduct an overall assessment of the operations functions of the Lighting GBU (at
least of the overall supply chain, planning process, sourcing, production, storing, and
delivery). To do so, you apply theoretical SCM/operations models & tools to audit the
GBU. Based on the audit, you justify your recommendations for improvement, both on
the structural and operational level (16 points).
2. To get a better view about your business environment you consider also do provide a
behaviour-based segmentation of the BU lightening customer basis. In parallel you work
out a global supply chain mapping to define the AS-IS status much better. Based on the analysis of your customers and the AS-IS you define an appropriate supply chain set up
(TO-BE). You also prepare recommendations for improvement based on your
assessments (17 points).
Global Sourcing
3. To follow the recommendation of the CPO you ask procurement to establish a detailed material group strategy for EMS. The CPO and you decided that a strategic procurement
manager should lead the effort to lead the internal x-functional team to establish a full flashed sourcing strategy for EMS. (20 points)
4. In supply chain management much attention is paid to improvement of the vertical processes in a supply chain. However, Alphaplus may outsource part of production (they buy PCBs and EMS service from partners) which means that horizontal processes and horizontal cooperation are of importance. What advantages are there for Alphaplus in outsourcing part of their production to other partners? What advantages are there for these partners? What are the measures to establish a long-lasting partnership? (14 points).
Logistics Management
5. As mentioned, for the distribution to its European customers ALPHAPLUS is using mainly own trucks. But they are considering outsourcing a substantial part of the volume to a logistics service provider. As a consultant to the logistics manager, layout the advantages and disadvantages of logistics outsourcing, describe processual steps in doing so and layout the options he has with respect to provider categories. (15 points)
6. After talking to the India factory, you find out that their data for production planning is very rudiment and that they do not have access to forecasts. Given the sales for lightning systems of one year (see table below) establish a forecast using various methods (total:
8 points):
? Naïve method (1 Point)
? 3-months moving average (1 Points)
? 3-months weighted average, using 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 with the heaviest weights
applied to the most recent months (1 Points)
? Exponential smoothing using an Alpha = 0.2 (2 Points)
Please fill in your results in the table below (round your results to two decimal places).
Please calculate in addition the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) (2 Points) of each method. Which method do you recommend and why (1 Points)?
7. You are helping the Logistics manager to establish a tour planning method for outbound transports. Exemplifying the method based on the SWEEP ALGORYTHM determine the best vehicle routing for 7 customers served from one distribution centre with a delivery van capable of loading max. 10 pal. The demand of each customer as well as the distances between customers’/distribution centre can be taken from the matrix below.
(10 points)
Formal Requirements
? This essay is supposed to be an academic document. Therefore, academic
standards apply to this document as well. Provide sufficient references of
academic models and theories for answering the questions.
? In addition to the essay, you may submit additional documents in other file
formats. All appendices are part of the final mark. Therefore, please assure that
all files can be opened without problems using Office and in addition Adobe
Acrobat. Faulty files that cannot be opened are regarded as not submitted.
? For the sourcing strategy, you may provide a management presentation to the
companies C-level suite as a PowerPoint file. You might use PowerPoint pages
in the final essay enriched with additional information (insert Power Point as
? For the supply Chain Mapping experience, you should provide appropriate
figures/drawings to visualize the supply chain (AS-IS and TO-BE). If you used
any other program than within Office, please make sure that they are readable
with Adobe Acrobat.
? While you do not have to give a detailed introduction into the models and
methods used in your analyses it should be argued why a specific model or
method is selected or which assumptions and requirements are underlying the
respective method. If you make changes to your models argue where and why.
? The ISM formal requirements for term papers and theses need to be observed.
Please ensure proper referencing, for any model you use, but also for additional
information you trace. In addition, please indicate any assumption you take and
give some justification.
- All references should be in APA style and presented inside the main body of article.
- You should attach at least 10 references for each section of the term paper; means in
total 30 citations!
- Every in-text citation should be hyperlinked to reference.
- The use of primary source for the references is strongly recommended.
- Using the application/software for referencing such as Mendeley, EndNote, and etc. is
strongly recommended.
- All references should be mentioned inside the article in the form of In-text reference.
- Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of
each work.
- Journal names and book titles should be italicized.
- Eg. Li, S., & Seale, C. (2007). Learning to do qualitative data analysis: An observational
study of doctoral work. Qualitative Health Research, 17(10), 1442-1452.
Required Volumes 2 3 5 2 2 7 1
(in Pal.)
Distance Matrix (km)Distr. Center Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer 5 Customer 6 Customer 7
Distr. Center 29 62 32 68 62 79 27
Customer 1 41 50 84 92 101 42
Customer 2 52 72 106 132 80
Customer 3 36 53 90 60
Customer 4 60 113 95
Customer 5 58 75
Customer 6 64
Customer 7
? Some additional suggestions:
- Use free or payment model of to improve English correctness of
the manuscript.
- Use good quality image and give caption below image Figure 1: ……
- Caption for table should be above the table. Like Table 1.:
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