question archive Question: In short paragraph explain what is the extreme adaptation of bowhead whales? Note: focus on information from scientific studies documenting 3 ecological and evolutionary adaptations that are observed in three different species living in the biome you selected
Subject:BiologyPrice:9.82 Bought3
Question: In short paragraph explain what is the extreme adaptation of bowhead whales?
Note: focus on information from scientific studies documenting 3 ecological and evolutionary adaptations that are observed in three different species living in the biome you selected. These should be 3 specific examples of organisms (animals/plants/fungi/etc) that illustrate clearly each of those 3 different mechanisms (one example per mechanism/adaptation). In other words, what physiological, morphological or behavioral adaptations that are unique to that biome allow these species to survive, grow and reproduce. Discuss hypotheses tested and data obtained for those studies. Provide specific results with data supporting those hypotheses. In this section and prior to developing it, introduce your species including scientific and common name, geographic distribution and some key aspects of their natural history.
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