question archive Every two weeks, you will have to respond to a prompt that I will post for you on the discussion board

Every two weeks, you will have to respond to a prompt that I will post for you on the discussion board

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Every two weeks, you will have to respond to a prompt that I will post for you on the discussion board. Your response will have to be informed by a second short article that you will find and read on your own (resources will be provided, but you will pick your own articles]. Your response which represents a synthesis of your opinion and the insights from the source you found will be around 250 words in length.

Note: You will be responsible to find your second source from a list of open-sources journals provided below or any other academic article from an academic peer-reviewed journal.

Combating Terrorism Exchange (CTX)

Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA)

Defense Against Terrorism Review (DATR)

Journal for Deradicalization (JD)

INR3081 Discussion Forum


Journal of 9/11 Studies

Journal of Counter Terrorism & Homeland Security International,

Journal of Terrorism & Cyber Insurance, The (JTCI)

Journal on Terrorism and Security Analysis, The (JTSA)

Perspectives on Terrorism (PT)


Terrorism: An Electronic Journal and Knowledge Base


Terrorism Monitor (TM)

 Note: You may not use the same article more than once during the semester. Make sure that you properly introduce the article in your snippet.

Criteria for Success:

? Original thought and insightful synthesizing (50%)

? Formulating your opinion explicitly in relation to the prompt and the source you read.

Use proper references to your sources when needed (30%)

? Editing: Make sure sentences are clear and unambiguous. Avoid passive voice. Doublecheck to see that sentences are adequately varied in length and style, and that there are no fragments or run-ons. Also proofread carefully to correct any other sentence errors. (20%)

Note: Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.

 Further Explanation:

What I need you to do is read the prompt, reflect over that, see where you are standing in regard to

the prompt posted, form an argument, find an article from the resources I have provided (or any other academic source/ my expectation is that you already know what an academic source is) that completely or partially support your viewpoint, synthesize a response to the prompt with manifest

use of the article you found, and cite the article at the end.

Note #1: Your viewpoints can stand anywhere in regard to the prompt posted. It goes without mentioning that your opinions do not need to conform to what my opinion on the matter might be.

We are doing Social Sciences! You need to form your own opinion. While you may have any opinion that satisfies you, you still have to have it supported by academic sources. That is the part I care about. Find a logical support for your argument (whatever it might be) from a peer-reviewed academic source and let it stand, but if you cannot, then chances are that either the premise(s) or conclusion of your argument (or both) is/are flawed. Be willing to accept that and appreciate an opposing argument for its merits. That is learning!

Note #2: At this point of your career, taking a 3000-level course, you have to be able to differentiate academic and non-academic sources. News articles, journalistic essays, opinion pieces, government documents, essays from CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, AP, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. are not academic sources. While you can use some of these sources to get some context as to how you want to approach responding to the prompt, you will still need to form your own argument and have that argument supported by academic sources. These non-academic sources (mentioned above) are among the more reliable ones though. I have received in the past a bunch of utterly non-reliable references in my students’ essays, including the word of mouth, and one’s gut feelings. Let’s not forget that you have to use and cite an article that you actually read. Sources cited by an article from

one of the sources I have posted for you are not your sources.

Note #3: You have to cite your sources professionally. Providing the link to the article (which by the way, some of the links I get are corrupt) is not citing. If you are not familiar with how to cite your sources, you need to get yourself familiar with the ways to cite a source in at least one of the documentation systems available.

Note #4: Your response to the prompt is supposed to be a synthesis of your own opinion and the information/insights your get from your selected source(s). Your writing has to manifestly reflect the usage of the article in your response. Are you not familiar with how to use an outside source in your writing? Get yourself familiarized!

Note #5: Nobody should feel bad about one’s argument. Form your own opinion, find a source to have it supported, and proudly present it to the rest of us in our forums. Do not send me your responses via email or any other medium.

Note #6: Once the discussion forum is closed, it will not be reopened for late submissions.


Note #6: Once the discussion forum is closed, it will not be reopened for late submissions.

Note #7: You may find the rubric my TA's and I will use to grade your posts by clicking on HERE

Note #8: Let’s practice! In one of my classes, I posted the prompt that read “There are differences between criminal and terrorist organizations; however, the nexus of the two could be an interesting aspect of terrorism to look into. Criminal and terrorist organizations can closely cooperate and, at times, they have. For this response, try to explore some aspects of

this partnership and provide some factual examples.

Now, Check the examples below.

GREAT EXAMPLE [Receives full points]

The inspiration for this week’s discussion came from the Perspective on Terrorism,

“Most scholars argue that the fall of the Soviet Union and the birth of the global information age enabled an increase in the intersection(s) between crime and terrorism. The end of the Cold War and the consequent decline in state-sponsored terrorism paved the way for the expansion of alternative sources of financing for terrorist groups and insurgent movements. Criminal financial sources such as drug trafficking, smuggling, extortion, and the like provided insurgents with the needed financial resources to maintain permanent armies of foot soldiers. Standing forces require weapons, supplies, food, and payroll for salaries. Additionally, terrorist groups need funding resources to acquire illicit

supplies and services (Vianna de Azevedo, & Pollak Dudley, 2020).”

However, while most of this is accurate, there is always someone facilitating the falsification of

documents, support in the form of money or routes, firearms, and explosives. These can become in


documents, support in the form of money or routes, firearms, and explosives. These can become in

the way of transactional nexus of combining specialized knowledge like money laundering, support

like counterfeiting, or operational support access to routes for smuggling or financial aid in accessing

the markets. Additionally, when both organizations (the criminal and the terrorist) occupy the same

area, they tend to merge or at least their integrated operations. The hybrid form is a change in the

values for these organizations.

For examples of these concepts, one doesn’t need to go far in history or think of the old world. It is

currently happening with the help of countries in our hemisphere. The government of Venezuela has

been able to archive in Hezbollah, working effectively with the Revolutionary Forces of Colombia

(FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) in drug trafficking, kidnapping, and smuggling

activities. The trade for Hezbollah to give training to the colectivos and to help the Maduro regime in

exchange for counterfeit passports, visas, and funding, which are a threat to the U.S. in the Western

Hemisphere (Rendon, & Kohan, 2019).

While Maduro is playing a dangerous game on the border with Colombia, the alliance between the

military and these groups collaborate to destabilize neighboring Colombia. Something that Colombia

is watching as well as the United States (Cárdenas, 2019)


Cárdenas, J. R. (2019, October 07). Maduro Is Playing a Dangerous Game on the Colombian Border.

Retrieved September 14, 2020, from

Rendon, M., & Kohan, A. (2019, July 22). Identifying and Responding to Criminal Threats from

Venezuela. Retrieved September 14, 2020, from

Vianna de Azevedo, C., & Pollak Dudley, S. (2020). Network vs. Network: Countering Crime-Terror

by Combining the Strengths of Law Enforcement, Military, and Academia. PERSPECTIVES ON

TERRORISM, 14(4), 99-117. Retrieved September 14, 2020, from (Links to an external site.)


MEDIOCRE EXAMPLE (Does not receive more than 15 out of 20, at best)

Although there are many similarities between organized crime and terrorism, at their core they are

two separate groups. According to UNODC, “Organized crime is a continuing criminal enterprise

that rationally works to profit from illicit activities that are often in great public demand. Its

continuing existence is maintained through corruption of public officials and the use of intimidation,

threats or force to protect its operations.” The goal of organized crime is material/ financial gain,

while power and control can be secondary motives. It can involve violence, but its main objective

remains profit. Terrorism, on the other hand, is political. It can be committed by one person, whereas

organized crime, by definition, requires a group of people. There are times when the activities of the

two may overlap and they may collaborate, but the goals remain different.

ISIS has, as a way of funding operations, turned to the drug trade out of desperation. The group

would collaborate with the local criminal organizations, such as the Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta (Italy), as

well as trafficking cannabis and captagon into Europe. Globalization has made it possible for

criminal organizations to operate on a large scale, thus the collaborations between terrorist groups

and trafficking groups. Between the two, it’s a rather symbiotic relationship, with profits for both.

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