question archive Introduction In the recent times, one can observe that there is increased usage of social media not only among adults but also among young children

Introduction In the recent times, one can observe that there is increased usage of social media not only among adults but also among young children

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In the recent times, one can observe that there is increased usage of social media not only among adults but also among young children. They have built their social media profiles across Facebook, Instagram, and several other platforms. There is no doubt that it will provide a platform to connect with their friends and also with new young teenagers with whom they can explore the world (Badri et al., 2017).

Besides, it will allow these children to increase their self-confidence by interacting with new people. It will also allow them to showcase their ideas and thus secure new career opportunities in the future. Besides, it will strengthen their social awareness and empathy amid the given environment. However, it should be noted that there are negative consequences associated with usage of social media as well (Badri et al., 2017). The social media platform will provide a platform for learning opportunity but at the same time, there are negative effects associated with it.

The given report will be discussing on the negative effects of social media and will be carrying out analysis associated with it. It will then provide recommendations to the parents of these children to take upon necessary precautions.

Discussion and Analysis

As per UK Office for National Statistics, it can be found that children are spending more than three hours on a daily basis on social media. They thus seem to be wasting their time and not focusing on their studies. Besides, all the virtual reality will inculcate unexpected behaviors among them (Betty et al., 2015).

Another research study conducted by the British Psychological Society found that teenagers are suffering from different mental healthcare issues due to constant usage of digital technologies such as mobile devices, PCs, and Tablets. Researchers have mentioned that social media will result into depression and anxiety among children as they are not only spending more time on such platforms but also their emotions are getting exchanged in different ways (Betty et al., 2015).

Social media will thus create negative influences on the children and even will disturb their mindset. One of the other major negative effect of social media is cyberbullying. There are several examples observed and found wherein children are found to be Turing victims of such cases. Such online assaults will then have mental scars in the minds of these children and they will not be able to recover soon from the present traumatic situation (Cooper, Stavros, & Dobele, 2019).

The third impact observed is of fear of missing out. It is one of the far-reaching negative impacts across the society. It is rather fueling more these children on such issues and due to which children are switching to their social media accounts frequently. They will be checking on the posts, photos, and even videos that will be posted on a regular basis (Cooper, Stavros, & Dobele, 2019). It will thus divert their mind-set and will not allow them to concentrate on their studies.

Social media will also allow these children to set unrealistic expectations from their life. They are still not aware of ground realities and hence it becomes more important to guide them in the right direction.

Some of the children will get attracted toward fantasies demonstrated on the social media. It is not only damaging their self-perception but also creating negative influences in their mind-set.

As per one of the research study, it was observed that in a sample of 100 children, nearly 75% of them had problems with their sleeping patterns. They were not able to sleep due to anxiety and later were affected with other mental healthcare challenges (Cooper, Stavros, & Dobele, 2019).

Also, social media will be creating barriers to clear communication. It is easy to make new friends and get connected to new people through social media. However, it will not allow these children to enjoy their childhood days, will not allow them to enjoy their friendship with the friends of the community, and also will be posing threats to their day-to-day communication (Kasap & Gürç?nar, 2018).

Some of the children will get addicted to use of social media to such an extent that they will need to take support of a psychological counselor. The role of the parents at this juncture thereby becomes more important as they will need to overcome functional gaps in their children education, guide them and provide them with useful recommendations toward making a bright future, and also make sure that their children do not turn addicted to using of social media platforms (Yu et al., 2018).

The children are even observed of suffering from stress sand due to which they are not found happy, confident, and relaxed. Instead, they will be demonstrating negative vibes, which will be affecting their overall body language and communication (Kasap & Gürç?nar, 2018). They will be demonstrating low-esteem and also they will get distracted in different situations.

It will thus have a direct impact on the emotional and physical health of the children. There is a need to provide right direction and useful guidance to such children and thereby reduce their overall usage of social media platforms amid the given environment (Melovic et al., 2020).


It will be more important for the parents, teachers, and healthcare practitioners to guide these children regarding negative effects of social media. The children need to be educated and also should be informed about how to overcome these negative consequences amid the given environment (Procentese, Gatti, & Napoli, 2019).

The parents need to rather provide them space for outdoor activities, motivate them to connect with friends in a physical environment, and also disallow the children regarding increased usage of mobile devices and other similar technological tools. Only then it will make sure that the children will remain protected and instead will be focusing more on the education requirements (White, Maddox, & Panneton, 2015).

They will thus avoid all the social media negative effects as discussed in this report and will be strictly adhering to the instructions provided by their parents and teachers in given situation. The parents will however need to monitor the educational performance of their children at regular intervals and make sure that they do not get deviated. Instead, they will be scoring better and thus will be performing higher in the examinations.





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