question archive Homer's Iliad is considered one of the earliest - and greatest - epics of all time

Homer's Iliad is considered one of the earliest - and greatest - epics of all time

Subject:WritingPrice:16.89 Bought3

Homer's Iliad is considered one of the earliest - and greatest - epics of all time. But what exactly does that epic mean? In this reading response, I want you to tell me about what you think makes Homer's Iliad epic. Spend half the response discussing the stylistic and content elements of Homer's Iliad that lead to this being called an epic. Make sure to support your analysis with at least three citations from Book I of Homer's Iliad. Then spend the second half of the response comparing and contrasting Homer's epic with an epic from the modern world. This could be a movie or a song or a book, really anything that you feel like would classify as an epic. Remember there are no right or wrong answers, here. Just make a thoughtful comparison.

  • Read. Read the secondary sources concerning Homer and Homer's Iliad.
  • Read. Read Book I of Homer's Iliad while keeping the assignment overview in mind
  • You are expected to use the ancient source as evidence for your argument. In order to receive full credit, you need to cite the ancient source at least three times using in-text, parenthetical citations. You also need to provide a full bibliographic reference for the ancient source at the end of your response. For in-text parenthetical citations go with this format (Ancient Author, Text Title, Line # if available otherwise Page #). For the end-of-response full bibliographic entry just standard MLA
  • the template you need to use is in the attachment, as for the readings just click on the Blue words and go to the URL provided.

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