question archive Reading Response 5: Caesar and Plutarch's Gallic War: Everybody knows Julius Caesar as the most famous politician and most successful general in all of Roman antiquity

Reading Response 5: Caesar and Plutarch's Gallic War: Everybody knows Julius Caesar as the most famous politician and most successful general in all of Roman antiquity

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Reading Response 5: Caesar and Plutarch's Gallic War:

Everybody knows Julius Caesar as the most famous politician and most successful general in all of Roman antiquity. What fewer people realize, however, is that he actually documented his conquests in writing, creating an autobiography about his war against the Gauls and against the other senators in Rome. In this reading response, you'll compare Caesar's autobiographical description of the siege of Alesia to Plutarch's description of that same event written two centuries after the fact. For the first half of the reading response, I would like you to discuss how the two sources compare and contrast in terms of style and content. For the second half of the reading response, I would like you do give your own opinion on which is a more reliable historical source. Make sure to support your argument with solid reasoning and evidence from the text.

  • Read. Read the secondary sources concerning Julius Caesar and Plutarch.
  • Read. Read the Julius Caesar's and Plutarch's account of the Siege of Alesia while keeping the assignment overview in mind.
  • You are expected to use the ancient source as evidence for your argument. In order to receive full credit, you need to cite the ancient source at least three times using in-text, parenthetical citations. You also need to provide a full bibliographic reference for the ancient source at the end of your response. For in-text parenthetical citations go with this format (Ancient Author, Text Title, Line # if available otherwise Page #). For the end-of-response full bibliographic entry just standard MLA
  • the template you need to use is in the attachment, as for the readings just click on the Blue words and go to the URL provided.

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