question archive NOTE : Margins, line spacing, standard page etc

NOTE : Margins, line spacing, standard page etc

Subject:WritingPrice:18.99 Bought3

NOTE : Margins, line spacing, standard page etc. Margins (minimum):

Other: Left: 2 cm.

Line spacing: 1.5 pkt.

Right: 2 cm.

 Font: Calibri is recommended

Top: 3 cm.

Font size: Corresponding 11 pt.

 Calibri. Bottom: 3 cm.

 One standard page: 2400 keystrokes (incl. blanks) as counted by word or similar software. Figures and tables count as the number of key strokes they occupy.


HRM - Applying theory to a case.

( max. 5 standardpage excl. appendices and references).

It is important that you tell us where you get the information about the case. You should include a short note about ‘method’, where you mention how you had access to the company (e.g. if you used primary or secondary data, and what that information was, e.g. interview with someone, website, annual report etc).


- Students write a short description of a case company – HAPAG LLOYD, and how the company is acting with regard to one HR topic of choice (e.g. Learning & Development).

then summarize relevant theory of the curriculum and analyse the case using this theory.

- Short description of how the data was gathered (primary and/or secondary data)

- Strategic HRM (description of case company and analysis using the curriculum)

- The Role of HR (description of case company and analysis using the curriculum)

- Diversity in organization (description of case company and analysis using the curriculum)

- Correct in text references and a literature list to show your use of the curriculum

- Literature list




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