question archive he article ‘Development and validation of inter-professional learning assessment tool for health professionals in continuing professional development (CPD)’ was published in 2019 as a response to an increasing number of challenges in the healthcare profession

he article ‘Development and validation of inter-professional learning assessment tool for health professionals in continuing professional development (CPD)’ was published in 2019 as a response to an increasing number of challenges in the healthcare profession

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he article ‘Development and validation of inter-professional learning assessment tool for health professionals in continuing professional development (CPD)’ was published in 2019 as a response to an increasing number of challenges in the healthcare profession. The authors advocated for the need to focus on interprofessional learning (IPL) using the Inventory of Reflective Vignette (IRV) as a framework for tool development. Health professions need to use the IRV-IPL as a reflective tool for the purpose of the identification of strategies, policies, and interventions in health care (Ong et al., 2019). So as to establish the validity as well as reliability of IRV-IPL, a one-group post-posttest pre-experimental design was used. IRV-IPL was developed from a review of relevant literature and the designing of a pilot test. The pilot test used a sample size of 10 healthcare professionals. During the actual implementation, the test was administered to 45 healthcare professionals. Results showed an internal consistency of α = 0.98 and the correlation to literature reviewed of r > 0.35, p < 0.05. Ong et al. (2019) concluded that IRV-IPL provided a reflective assessment tool for inter-professional learning. 2. Who were the study participants and what type of procedure did they undergo? The participants for the study were grouped into four categories for reliability and validity issues. First there was content design where there were reviews of secondary sources of data. Second was content validation by field experts where the study used five IPL constructs and used the data obtained from the secondary sources. Third was pilot testing, in a university that is accredited to offer CPD programs for health professionals. The last cohort was composed of 45 participants who were registered and practicing physicians, nurses and allied professionals like pharmacists, technicians, and therapists. 3. Did the authors address issues related to diversity/cultural differences? The issue of diversity has not been spoken about in terms of culture but there is diversity in terms of training. However, it is important to note that the study took a sample that is representative from all the medical positions. There exists a gap on the number of health care representatives used for the sample study. This might be criticized as a limitation. The pilot study was also done on people who are the crème in the medical field, and it will be assumed that their input was representative as well. 4. Did the authors apply a theoretical approach to their understanding of psychology? Particularly, the application of a theoretical approach can be seen as an intersection of existing knowledge and previous found ideas. It is a valuable tool to the coherence and depth of a given study. If authors are not able to articulate a theoretical approach, then it means that they have not done the work to unearth operating principles behind a study. For this article, the authors did not use a theoretical approach. This has the potential for personal biases. 5. What research design did the researchers employ? The research employed a quantitative research design because the instrument was taking various measurements from the respondents, and data has been analyzed quantitatively. The choice of the design depends mainly on the attributes of the subject, research topic, problem question, objectives, design, expected data and results. 6. What type of statistical analysis did the researchers run? The study has employed IBM SPSS statics version 22 in grouping together similar issues which were further classified according to the characteristics that they portrayed in form of statistical tables. In the estimation of the internal reliability, the study has employed Cronbach’s alpha and validity co-efficient using item-total correlation. 7. What were the study’s strengths and limitations? One of the strengths of the study is that there is triangulation i.e., there is the use of both secondary data and primary data to overcome the limitations that might be encountered through use of one form of data. This implies that any gap that was identified by one tool was taken care of by data from another tool as a way of ensuring validity and reliability of the data obtained. The study took into consideration issues of validity and reliability. One limitation I will identify is that the study has not embraced cultural diversity and the economic status of the country where it was done. However, most of the ethical considerations for research have been followed. 8. If you could carry out a similar study, what would you do differently? I would include an analysis of the existing literature for the purposes of reducing personal biases. A review of the existing literature helps in the identification of situated knowledge and the nature of practice for medical studies. It also helps in acknowledging any areas of conflict and any gaps existent in the research. In addition, I would include an analysis of the geographical scope of the study to ensure that the findings are limited to a set-up of a specific economic status. In this case, the participants would be a representative of the specific population. Lastly, I would employ stratified sampling to ensure that the representatives are a reflection of the various cultural groupings present. Reference Ong, I. L., Diño, M. J. S., Calimag, M. M. P., & Hidalgo, F. A. (2019). Development and validation of interprofessional learning assessment tool for health professionals in continuing professional development (CPD). PloS one, 14(1), e0211405. Score 2 1 3 Video Presentation Length of video presentation (~7 minutes) Visual tools (informative, clear, easy to follow) Clear, concise communication Use of appropriate terminology Organization (well developed, clear) Content (coverage of article is appropriate) Comprehensive overview of article Final Score: /14

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