question archive 20 APPENDIX A Christian Worldview Capstone Paper Purpose of this Assignment The purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life: • Vocation, Academic Major, and Career • Church Membership • Singleness, Marriage, & Family • Community Service & Citizenship • Stewardship Preparation for the Assignment To prepare for this assignment, students should first read God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Edward Veith, Jr

20 APPENDIX A Christian Worldview Capstone Paper Purpose of this Assignment The purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life: • Vocation, Academic Major, and Career • Church Membership • Singleness, Marriage, & Family • Community Service & Citizenship • Stewardship Preparation for the Assignment To prepare for this assignment, students should first read God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Edward Veith, Jr

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20 APPENDIX A Christian Worldview Capstone Paper Purpose of this Assignment The purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life: • Vocation, Academic Major, and Career • Church Membership • Singleness, Marriage, & Family • Community Service & Citizenship • Stewardship Preparation for the Assignment To prepare for this assignment, students should first read God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Edward Veith, Jr. Parameters of this Assignment The Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to be eight full pages in length, in APA forma t, with a minimum of five cited scholarly references from the Belhaven Virtual Library or one of the textbooks (no more than 2 references can come from a textbook). Be sure to include the appropriate cover page and reference page in addition to the eight p ages, following APA style. When completed upload the assignment into Canvas. The assignment will be assessed according to the Worldview Paper Rubric. To prepare to write this paper, we recommend that the student first read God at Work , take the StrengthsF inder 2.0 assessment (from BUS280) , and take the free assessment at . Reflect on what you discover in each and be prepared to integrate your discoveries, as well as the Christian Worldvi ew, into each of the following areas: The suggested format of your paper is as follows: ? Introduction – Thoroughly introduce your entire paper. ? Vocation, Academic Major, and Career o Reflect upon the 16personalities explanation of your potential careers an d workplace habits, and strengths & weakness, as well as your StrengthsFinder results if competed in a previous course. o Taking into account your current or prospective workplace responsibilities, and your strengths and personality characteristics, seek to develop a plan to best maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Address the question of whether God has called and equipped you for your current work or for work under consideration, or whether you might better fit somewhere else. o Think about how the Christian Worldview impacts your academic major, your workplace and your response to various ethical questions that may arise in that setting. How will you integrate the Christian Worldview as you practice in your 21 academic field of specialization t hroughout your career? How will your practice of your major change in light of your Christian Worldview? Provide specific examples. o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph. ? Church Membership o Focus on how important church membership is to you personally and how important it is in the Christian Worldview. o How do you describe the health of the church you attend? o How has the church aided in developing you spiritually and reinforcing your relationship with Jesus Christ? o State your perspective on this area and pr ovide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph. ? Singleness, Marriage, & Family o Reflect on the 16personalities explanation or your personality in romantic relationships and parenting situations. o What is your personal view in light of the Christian worldview on singleness, marriage, and family? Describe y our position. o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scholarly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think approp riate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph. ? Community Service & Citizenship o Reflect on the 16personalities overall explanation of your personality and how your personality relates to friendships. o Describe your duty as a citizen of your nation. De scribe your commitment to community service and to being an agent of cultural transformation. How does your Christian Worldview impact your response in both areas? o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a scho larly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph. ? Stewardship o How does the Christian Worldview inform the stewardship of your time? Of your talent? Of your treasure? Of your testimony? o How does stewardship provide an accounting for every aspect of life (vocation)? o State your perspective on this area and provide a summary or paraphrase or quote from a schol arly source that backs up your perspective or provides counterpoint to it. Reinforce your perspective with any Scriptural references you think appropriate. Wrap up this section with a summary paragraph. ? Conclusion – Thoroughly wrap up your entire paper. 22 Belhaven University Christian Worldview Capstone Paper Grading Rubric (200 pts.) Rubric Criteria Masterful (100%) Accomplished ( 85%) Average (70%) Below Average (55%) Application of Worldview to Vocation, Academic Major, & Career (35 %) Presents insightful, well -developed analysis and applications that logically connect worldview appropriate for assignment purposes (70 pts.) Presents competent and organized applications of worldview appropriate for assignment purposes (60 pts.) Presents applicat ions of worldview that are weak, unclear, too broad, or only indirectly related to assignment purposes (49 pts.) Presents applications that are extremely simplistic, showing confusion and/or misunderstanding of assignment purposes (39 pts.) Knowledge of Worldview (20%) Demonstrates exceptional ability to identify and present worldview essentials (40 pts.) Demonstrates above average ability to identify and present worldview essentials (34 pts.) Demonstrates average ability to identify and present worldview essentials (28 pts.) Does not demonstrate ability to identify and present worldview essentials (22 pts.) Application of Worldview to Life Choices and Relationships (20%) Presents insightful, well -developed analysis and applications that logically connect worldview appropriate for assignment purposes (40 pts.) Presents competent and organized applications of worldview appropriate for assignment purposes (34 pts.) Presents applications of worldview that are weak, unclear, too broad, or only indirec tly related to assignment purposes (28 pts.) Presents applications that are extremely simplistic, showing confusion and/or misunderstanding of assignment purposes (22 pts.) Evidence (Ideas, Support, and Development) (10%) Provides sufficient support for m ain ideas (with evidence); support is valid and specific; evidence is consistent and original; ideas form a unified whole (20 pts.) Provides sufficient support for main ideas; support is sound, valid, and logical; evidence is clearly relevant to main point s (17 pts.) Provides only indirect support for main points; support is not sufficient or specific, but loosely relevant to main points (14 pts.) Fails to provide support for main points; presents frequent and illogical generalizations without support (11 p ts.) Logic and Flow (5%) Information regarding the key points is appropriately aligned and the reader can easily follow the approach of the author.

(10 pts.) Information regarding the key points is mostly aligned where the reader can follow the overall flow of the paper. (9 pts) Information regarding the key points is somewhat aligned in a manner where the reader can follow the overall flow of the paper. (7 pts.) Information regarding the key points is not aligned at all in a manner where the reader can easily follow the overall flow of the paper. (6 pts.) Mechanics (5%) The presentation demonstrates exceptional use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (10 pts.) The presentation demonstrates consistent use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (9 pts .) The presentation demonstrates inconsistent use of standard English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax.

(7 pts.) The presentation does NOT demonstrate use of standard Engl ish conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (6 pts.) APA Formatting (5%) Nearly error -free APA format –title page, citations, quotations and references (10 pts.) Limited minor APA errors in format –title page, citations, quotations and references (9 pts) Few minor APA errors in format – title page, citations, quotations and references (7 pts.) Frequent APA errors in format –title page, citations, quotations and references (6 pts.) 23 APPENDIX B Discussion Forum Rubric (13 points for eac h post; 7 points for each response) NOTE: All initial posts are due by Wednesday , 11:59 p.m. each week. All responses to classmates are due by Saturday, 11:5 9 p.m. each week. INITIAL POST (13 points) RESPONSE TO CLASSMATE (7 points) Descriptor Fully Met Partially Met Unm et Response Post: Clear consideration of classmate’s ideas Response makes clear that the author carefully read the initial post by including specific quotes or ideas the initial post emphasized. 3 points 0 points 0 points Response Post:

Connects to, extends, applies, or questions classmate’s ideas in productive ways Response does more than just acknowledge the contribution of the initial post; it substantively extends, connects to, or questions classmate’s ideas in productive ways. 3 points 0 points 0 points Response Post:

Appropriate length and style Post exceeds 100 words in length and is written in a style that is both friendly and academically appropriate. 1 point 0 points 0 points Descriptor Fully Met Partially Met Unm et Addresses question fully Post reveals a clear understanding of the forum question and answers each piece fully. 3 point 1.5 points 0 points Integrates specifics from readings and/or experiences Post interweaves specific evidence from readings and personal experience s to support argument . 3 points 1.5 points 0 points Reveals accurate understanding of key concepts/ideas Post’s ideas are consistent with the readings and lectures and accurately represent concepts and ideas. 3 points 1.5 points 0 poin ts Appropriate length and style Post is at least 250 -300 words in length and written in appropriate academic style. 2 point 0 points 0 points Logical Organization/ Conventions/Citations Post is organized logically, uses flawless APA citation for both parenthetical citations and references at the end, and contains no grammatical, syntactical, spelling, punctuation, etc.

errors. 2 point 0 points 0 points


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