question archive Song Assignments are fun! Students really like them Many tell the instructor that it i5 the most fun paper the have written in college Here are the reasons why students like this arraignment: , ' 1

Song Assignments are fun! Students really like them Many tell the instructor that it i5 the most fun paper the have written in college Here are the reasons why students like this arraignment: , ' 1

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Song Assignments are fun! Students really like them Many tell the instructor that it i5 the most fun paper the have written in college Here are the reasons why students like this arraignment: , ' 1. You get to pick a song related to race and ethnic relations ~ any song out there is game for this. assignment —l mean ANY; 2. You then listen to it over and over, ?nd and print the lyrics. then read the lyrioa to really get at the bottom of the sociological meaning of the song; and 3. Finally, you are asked to write a very structured paper applying what you've learned about race and ethnic minorities from lceland's text to the lyrics of the song you pick. Fun, right? Think of this paper as a creative way for you to show me how much you've learned in the course. Also, think of this paper as a very structured WRITTEN EXAM that culminates into a fabulous. paper that yoo can be proud of! By written exam, 1 mean that there are very speci?c things that go in each paragraph of your paper. lf you follow the directions carefully, you won't miss any of them. Assignment Rationale in the beginning of the course, we practiced analyzing the cultural medium of music with the case study of Billie Holiday's song Strange Fruit, In that assignment, students learned about the power of songs to create social change. That experience was intended to prepare you for a sociological analysis of a song that you personally choose for the Song Assignment. By the time we reach the end of the course, you will be ready to apply a sociological analysis to a song using liceland's text. Song Assignment Explained This assignment requires you to analyze the popular cultural medium of music and make connections between the material in the course (lceland's text} and what the song says in the lyrics (i.e., words to the cn?ci #



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