question archive Final Term Paper 1
Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3
Final Term Paper
1. Write a complete Term Paper on the RESIDENTIAL EVICTION PROCESS IN CALIFORNIA around 2000 Words
2. Must Include Landlord-Tenant Law in California
3. The legal rights and responsibilities of the tenant and landlord And The Security Deposit Law and process in California
4. Discuss the Eviction Process for Landlord in California.
The course term paper will also serve as the Student Learning Outcome project. It should consist of 2000 words.
The Student will:
Investigate, analyze and write a report on the legal issues presented by the legal situation with which the student is familiar, focusing on those areas of law presented in this course, such as Business forms, Bankruptcy, Landlord / Tenant law
To the Following Standard:
Identifies an appropriate legal situation; designs an investigation plan to acquire the necessary facts of the situation; conducts the investigation, identifies the issues these facts present; writes a report on the legal issues and possible solutions, and makes an oral presentation before their fellow students.
100 points will be earned for a written report which meets the foregoing standards
100 points will be awarded for the student's 5-slide PowerPoint summary delivered to the discussions page under the appropriate thread.
Plan of Action:
from your own experience or that of your friends, neighbors and family members
list what information you need and where to acquire it
acquire the information by
interviewing those impacted by the situation
researching the law in the textbook
an issue identifies the question of law raised by the facts and mentions the key facts to put the legal question into context
outline your report using the FIRAC outline but with much more detail
Possible Format of the Report
Introduction - The Story
The complete story about 1000 words, who, what, when, where
Key Facts - Material a paragraph of the facts which will make a difference to the outcome
Issue -- pick one that matches the material of one of the chapters
Rule - describe the rule and its elements - use the chapters to find this rule
Analysis - apply key facts to each element of the rule