question archive What is leadership to you? How would you define it in your own words? Why are you studying leadership for change? What do you want to know about leadership for change? Reflect on the definitions of leadership in the textbook readings

What is leadership to you? How would you define it in your own words? Why are you studying leadership for change? What do you want to know about leadership for change? Reflect on the definitions of leadership in the textbook readings

Subject:WritingPrice: Bought3

What is leadership to you? How would you define it in your own words?

  • Why are you studying leadership for change?
  • What do you want to know about leadership for change?
  • Reflect on the definitions of leadership in the textbook readings. How do these relate to your definition of leadership? Discuss perspectives.

Format for a good blog

  • Has a good title and opening paragraph - compelling titles and introductions make your readers want to read your post right away.
  • Addresses a specific audience. Before you start developing content, decide whom you are writing for and why. Audience:  undergraduate business studies students and potential students of business leadership courses
  • Shows, not tells. The goal of your content is to build trust with your audience. An engaging and interesting summary of your discussion as a group that demonstrates personal reflection, critical thinking and collaborative work. Include quotes from group participant's reflections on leadership to show diversity of ideas
  • Optimizes content for search. Include hyperlinks that readers can follow to check what you are saying and to develop their understanding further.
  • Asks for the action. You are writing for a reason - to connect with the readers and trigger an action. You should always end a blog with something that moves the reader to perform a desired action. Express the significance of learning about leadership for change. 
  • Is useful and informative. You want to educate your reader. As you develop content, ask yourself “do I find this useful or informative? Will the reader find this useful or informative?” These two
    questions should always serve as your guide. Present an integrated description of leadership drawing on all of the perspectives in the group. Include a critical discussion of definitions of leadership and how they compare to your personal perspectives
  • A mixture of writing, diagrams, photos, tables, or mind maps is acceptable.
  • Includes APA references where necessary, but also include links to websites readers could access for further information.



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