question archive The goal is to raise 500k (500,000) in a years time

The goal is to raise 500k (500,000) in a years time

Subject:MarketingPrice: Bought3

The goal is to raise 500k (500,000) in a years time. Basically by the end of 2021. I need to show a graph of how this can be done with the events provided. I need these events listed on the graph and an estimated amount of how much can be made for the year. The graph needs to be colorful with each event represented. Use the summary below each event as reference and create one page summary of the events and their outcomes. So I need a graph and a two page summary (due to the amount of events) of each event listed below with the outcome of possible results.

Eating Contests

Open up your fundraiser to all types of eating contests. Whether you serve pies, doughnuts, or hot dogs, contestants can pay an entry fee to compete. Solicit local shops or bakeries to donate the food that will be devoured at your tasty fundraiser.

Fundraiser Dinner Party

This fundraising event idea can turn into a themed party for any occasion. Whether you host a potluck harvest dinner or a cocktail hour, sell tickets and invite guests over to a rented venue, a volunteered home, or your office for a delicious meal. Prepare your elevator pitch so that guests will understand how meaningful this dinner, and their contributions, truly are.

Trivia Night

Trivia nights are a weekly occurrence at bars for a few simple reasons—they’re easy to organize, affordable to host, and can be customized to appeal to any audience. Ask a local restaurant or bar to host your fundraising event and ask that participants form teams in advance and raise a minimum amount as their registration fee. Then charge an entrance fee for anyone not participating in the competition. Group people into different teams to see who can gain bragging rights and raise the most money.

Silent Auction

Plan a silent auction as a solo event, or add it to an existing fundraising initiative as a supplementary revenue driver. While you should reach out to your own network to start assembling items, consider appointing a committee of volunteers that can also solicit their contacts for gifts to auction off. Get creative with the prizes you collect—note that certain prizes, such as travel-related items and outings, tend to be popular.

Casino Night to Raise Money for a Cause

Bring Vegas to your hometown and host a casino night complete with games like roulette, blackjack, and poker. Invite guests to dress up and donate to participate. They can also donate certain amounts for specific numbers of casino chips, and the player with the most chips at the end of the night can receive a prize.

Local Concert

This idea for a fundraiser is for all the live music junkies out there. Partner with a local venue and recruit local artists into your show. They can even start fundraising pages leading up to the event so that fans, friends, and family can donate even if they can’t attend.

Dance Marathon Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser

Host a dance-a-thon and challenge participants to dance for as long as they can. This fun peer-to-peer event keeps participants and donors on their toes—literally. Have dancers create peer-to-peer campaigns and set a minimum goal for participation.

Fundraisers will tap into their networks to raise money before the event, but donations will flow until the last dancer standing receives a prize! Supporters can also request songs for $5—Spice Girls anyone?

Treadmill Relay Race

Partner with a local gym to get this fundraising event idea up and running (pun intended). Ask supporters and community members to sign up for a time slot (minimum of 15 minutes) and donate at least $1 per minute. You can even make this into a team event by assigning a different treadmill to each team.

Costumed Race Fundraiser

Host a costumed race where people dress up in alignment with a pop culture phenomenon. Whether it’s zombies, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or another theme. With all the different options to choose from, this funny fundraising twist on the classic 5K never gets old.

5K Run or Bike Race

A classic fundraising event idea, the 5K is a year-round favorite that can raise big bucks for your cause. Rather than rely solely on entry fees, implement peer-to-peer fundraising so participants can start raising money upon registration. Throw out a suggested fundraising goal, prepare incentives, and send participants tips on how to reach out to their networks.

Art Show

Local artists and supporters can pay a nominal registration fee to have their pieces showcased, and attendees can pay a registration fee to browse the collection. Afterward, artists can choose to auction off their pieces for charity

Yard Sale Fundraiser

Collect gently worn clothes, home goods, or collectibles and host a yard sale. If you have valuable items like first-edition books or signed collector’s items, you can hold an auction for the top-tier items at the end of the day. In addition to opening up donations to your staff, supporters, and collective networks reach out to local celebrities or philanthropists for those high-ticket items.
To generate buzz around the event, take pictures of the items and post them on social media. You never know who could see a social post and you might just find your next corporate sponsor while drumming up excitement around the event.

Talent Show

Crowdsource entertainment with this fun fundraising idea and put on a talent show. This event can be as high-end or as lowkey as you’d like, so decide on your vibe right off the bat. Are you simply looking to provide supporters with a fun night while also expanding your reach? Get a permit and hold the talent show in a local park. If your organization wants to establish a cornerstone fundraising event then kick it up a notch. Hold auditions for the show, request that performers fundraise, and ask a local theater to host.
In addition to an entry fee, attendees can donate to cast votes. Ask local vendors to provide prizes and create different award categories for supporters to vote on.

Scavenger Hunt

Organize a scavenger hunt and send participants running all around town. You can stick to the classic scavenger hunt where people have to find and collect items or you could go digital and have individuals or teams simply take a picture of an item or location. Each person or team will need a camera, pen and paper (to write their names to prove they aren’t using a fake photo), and a garbage bag.

Bake Sale Fundraising Event

This is a classic food fundraising idea for a reason! Get ready for some sweet smells with this idea. Participants compete to bake the most delectable treat out there, and guests can donate for the chance to taste test and vote for their favorites. You can narrow down eligible entries by pastry type, whether that’s pies, cakes, cookies, brownies, or some other sweet concoction. Whatever you serve, make sure you follow any local food serving laws.

Afternoon Tea Time

Put on a fundraising event where people can relax, drink tea, and support your worthy cause. Attendees can dress up for your classy high-tea fundraiser and pay an entry fee. Prepare elegant cutlery, fine china, and snacks. You can partner with a local tea or coffee shop for tea leaves and pastries.

Cooking Competition

Channel your inner master chef in a nod to reality TV cooking shows. The best food fundraising ideas engage your fundraisers and attendees alike. Round up supporters and foodies around a friendly culinary competition. Contestants create their best dishes with a specific ingredient or other criteria, and people pay to taste each dish and cast their votes. By giving your supporters the option to sign up as a chef or judge you’re appealing to a large audience and providing a fun and unique experience that will help your donor associate your organization with a good time.

Board Game Night

Step away from the screens and kick it old school to raise money for your favorite charity of cause. Put together a board game fundraising event that’s friendly for all ages, complete with an assortment of options. Charge for entry and host mini-tournaments among different sets of players and advertise prizes for the winners.

Ice Cream Social

This fundraising event idea is perfect for families and children. Ask your community and local businesses to donate supplies, get the word out, and charge per scoop day-of. Consider adding an ice cream eating contest into the mix. This type of event would be ideal on a weekend or in the summer when families have more free time on their hands.

Movie Night

Host a film screening or movie marathon at a local park or auditorium and sell tickets and snacks for suggested donations. Another twist to this familiar fundraising event is to ask friends and family to each host their own mini-film screenings on behalf of your cause and invite their networks. They can then speak about your mission afterward and take note of those who want to learn more.


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