question archive Please make this in paragraph form at least 3 or more paragraphs

Please make this in paragraph form at least 3 or more paragraphs

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Please make this in paragraph form at least 3 or more paragraphs. you can make additional explanation or revise this answer

1. What project you are involved in? Construction ( steel structure)

2. what was your challenging project and what skills do you think have a great effect on the success of the project? Royale cold storage ( i think my management skills have been very effective in this project.)

3. How do you manage team members that are not working to their full potential? I have 2 option 1. i will give them incentives for everyone works done for a given task

2. For does workers does not effective even I give incentives to other I will give them notice or memo to suspend or if-else terminate 

4. What's the biggest mistake you've made on a project? There are many mistakes i made but i don't think there is the biggest mistake to categorize.

5. How do you prioritize tasks on a project?set your mind every day on the task that need to be done, give your self a deadline on every task so you can categorize your task on what needs to be done first


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