question archive Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (documentary and discussion) Instructions: Note: Take notes during the film --- even in the dark! This assignment counts as a quiz grade

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (documentary and discussion) Instructions: Note: Take notes during the film --- even in the dark! This assignment counts as a quiz grade

Subject:PhilosophyPrice:4.87 Bought7

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (documentary and discussion)

Instructions: Note: Take notes during the film --- even in the dark! This assignment counts as a quiz grade. You will turn this in via Sakai next week.

  1. Capitalism is vital to our way of life, and yet the Enron case clearly shows ways in which this economic system may be abused. What kinds of abuses did you witness in the film? What kinds of vices were evident?
  2. All economic systems (as is true of all "systems") have their weaknesses. What weaknesses in the capitalistic system were evident in the film, "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room?"
  3. How do you think an egoist, would have advised Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling if they were their Ethics Officers? How do you think Socrates would have advised them? Finally, what might Aristotle advise?
  4. Enron's slogan was "Ask Why?" Does that strike you as ironic? Socrates loved to ask "why?" What do you think are some questions that he would ask Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, and Andy Fastow?
  5. Who do you think is responsible for Enron's downfall? Why? Think carefully about this one

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