question archive 4(a) What is speciesism? (i) Why should we avoid it? (ii) Why might that fundamentally change the way we deal with our obligations to the environment? (b) Should you own an SUV? Why or why not? (i) Should we outlaw certain kinds of vehicles? Why or why not? (ii) How might we better regulate unusually wasteful or environmentally destructive consumer goods?

4(a) What is speciesism? (i) Why should we avoid it? (ii) Why might that fundamentally change the way we deal with our obligations to the environment? (b) Should you own an SUV? Why or why not? (i) Should we outlaw certain kinds of vehicles? Why or why not? (ii) How might we better regulate unusually wasteful or environmentally destructive consumer goods?

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4(a) What is speciesism? (i) Why should we avoid it? (ii) Why might that fundamentally change the way we deal with our obligations to the environment? (b) Should you own an SUV? Why or why not? (i) Should we outlaw certain kinds of vehicles? Why or why not? (ii) How might we better regulate unusually wasteful or environmentally destructive consumer goods?

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