question archive Analysis 1: Can the amount of money spent on security controls (cost_controls_v2) be predicted by the number of people impacted by the data breach (num_people_v2)? p = 0

Analysis 1: Can the amount of money spent on security controls (cost_controls_v2) be predicted by the number of people impacted by the data breach (num_people_v2)? p = 0

Subject:StatisticsPrice:2.87 Bought7

Analysis 1: Can the amount of money spent on security controls (cost_controls_v2) be predicted by the number of people impacted by the data breach (num_people_v2)? p = 0.007043201

Analysis 2: Is the percent of sensitive data breached (per_sensitive_v2) a significant predictor of the amount of money spent on security controls (cost_controls_v2)? p = 9.90006e-05

Analysis 3: Is the amount of money spent on security controls (cost_controls_v2) impacted by the number of days it takes to detect the breach (dys_detect_v2)? p = 0.181478

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