question archive On January 7, 2018, the Foreign Press Association awarded the Cecil B

On January 7, 2018, the Foreign Press Association awarded the Cecil B

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On January 7, 2018, the Foreign Press Association awarded the Cecil B. DeMille award to Oprah Winfrey making her the first black female in history to ever be awarded for her talented and definite impact in the world of entertainment. (note -this AGD features a provocative bit of (direct) information. Remember an AGD can be a fact, startling statistics, quote, short narrative, joke (where appropriate), etc) Il. Background Information: Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954. She is a talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, which as reported by the Academy of Achievement in 2016, was the highest nationally rated television program of its history from 1986 to 2011. Since then Oprah has been a familiar face in America households for decades.Her long career lead her to earning the prestigious Cecil B. DeMille Award at the 2018 Academy Awards. According to Globe & Mail's website, last updated January 10, 2018, Oprah had not yet finished her Golden Globes acceptance speech when people on social media started to speculate that she might be running for president in 2020. (note-background opens with a brief summary of the topic area and takes us directly to the central issue) a. Recency-With elections coming up for the presidency in the next two years and with Trump creating laws that are impacting the country in a negative way, many people are looking for new potential candidates to become the next President of the United States. (note -reflects what the specific issue is) b. Credibility - As someone who is invested in the immigration policies of this country it is important I support the right candidates for President. After hours of research on viable candidates I have come to the understand that the next president that will be elected in 2020 can either help to bring back the many freedoms that President Trump is taking away or continue to build on taking away more freedoms from Americans. O O 9:14 PM 7/31/2020

:// G Sign in c. Relevance - Many of us in this room has felt the impacts of hurtful legislation in the last 2 years. Perhaps someone you know has been deported or your family has suffered job losses due to this administration's policies.It's a good thing we can all do something about it by voting for the right person. (note -the relatability/relevance statement motivates the audience to listen by answering: "What's in it for me?") c. Significance -If we do not choose a President who is "for the people," then the United States may end up hurting many Americans in the long run if we do not make a change now. (note -addresses potential harm or highlights the seriousness of the topic) Ill. Thesis (Q/A) Should Oprah run for POTUS in 2020? Yes, Oprah should run for POTUS in 2020, she is well qualified to become our next president. (note -the thesis statement is a single sentence which clearly answers the question with a strong stance.) IV. PREVIEW (Briefly state your three main points) I will tell you three reasons why she is well-qualified: 1.Oprah is a philanthropist 2. She is able to fund her own campaign 3. She believes in gender equality (note -each main point is simply expressed as a bullet point. You do not need lots of detail here.) BODY 1. To begin, Oprah is the biggest pioneers in philanthropy.(Claim) A. According to Inside Philanthropy, January 20, 2018, Oprah became one of the world's leading members in philanthropy after donating $10 million to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.(Evidence) B. A leader should be able to show how much he or she cares about human beings, especially those they are responsible for. It is one of the best qualitiesthat a president should have. We saw in the case of President George W. Bush's flyover of the hurricane destruction in New Orleans, that you can lose the trust of people when it appears that you do not care. Which can be detrimental to a president. (Reasoning) C.Oprah's work in philanthropy showcase how much she cares about people which is a characteristic that the nation looks for in a president andher efforts proves that her character qualifies herto run for president. (Link to thesis) Transition statement -"Now that we have discussed how Oprah philanthropy embodies her presidential characteristic, let's turn our attention to how she is able to fund her own campaign." II. The typical cost for a presidential campaign is estimated to be $1 billion, she can afford it. (Claim) A. Vox. January 9. 2018 explains, Oprah is a multibillionaire with a net worth of 2.8 billion dollars and can potentially self-fund her O O 9:15 7/31/2

tps:// Sign in A. Vox, January 9, 2018 explains, Oprah is a multibillionaire with a net worth of 2.8 billion dollars and can potentially self-fund her campaign. (Evidence) B. Which means that Oprah does not have rely on the influence of others and is able to run her campaign the way she wants. This is not to say that she would not have plenty of eager donors, but the point is if she needed to, she could fund it herself. (Reasoning) C. Oprah's personal wealth could help her remove financial barriers of running a good campaign, which makes her financially qualified to run for POTUS in 2020.(Link to thesis) Transition statement -"Now that we have discussed Oprah philanthropy and her ability to fund her campaign let's turn our attention to her passion for gendere quality)." Ill. Since Oprah debut on television she has been a strong proponent for gender equality. (Claim) A. According to The Washington Post, January 9, 2018, on discovering that her show's female producers were making less than the males, she told her boss that she would not work unless her team was better compensated.(Evidence) B. The outcome of this movewas very successful. Her female producers were able to get raises. Oprahusedher power and influence to make a change which enabledall of her employees access to fairand balanced pay.She has shown time and again that she values a woman's right toequality, whether it's featuring them on her shows or hiring more women in her businesses.(Reasoning) C. Oprah is able to have those demands, which shows she has the power to be able to hold them in the White House where she can influence the fight for gender equality in America and the world. (Link to thesis) CONCLUSION I."Today, we've answered the question, "Should Oprah run for POTUS in 2020?" My answer a resounding yes. Oprah is well qualified for the job. (Restatement of question and thesis) Il.I told you about Oprah Winfrey's philanthropy, net worth, and passion for gender equality that qualifies her to be our POTUS in 2020. (Summary of main of points) Ill.You do not have to be experienced in governing,but you must have character to lead the nation. You must be able to not only win over the people but also do what is right for the people.On January 11, 2018, the Taranaki Daily Newssaid it best, Trump lacksthe moral character needed of an American president,and Oprah Winfreyhasexactlywhat it takes.#Oprah2020. (Final thought) Previous Next O 9:15 PM 7/31/20

INTRODUTION Attention Gaining Device: Background: Credibility Statement: Significance Statement: Thesis: Preview Statement: BODY I. Main Point: A. Evidence B. Reasoning C. Link Transition statement - "Now that we have discussed (main point 1), let's turn our attention to (main point 2)." II. Main Point: A. Evidence B. Reasoning C. Link * **Transition statement - "Now that we have discussed (main point 2), let's turn our attention to (main point III. Main Point: A. Evidence B. Reasoning C. Link CONCLUSION 1 . Restatement Summary Final Thought


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