question archive Consider the language EVENnotendB consisting of all words of even length not ending on a b-substring

Consider the language EVENnotendB consisting of all words of even length not ending on a b-substring

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:2.89 Bought4

Consider the language EVENnotendB consisting of all words of even length not ending on a b-substring. A recursive definition for the language EVENnotendB should be compiled. The generators for EVENnotendB are Λ, aa and ba, or Λ could be used as the only generator. The CONCAT function is applied in defining a recursive definition for the language. The CONCAT function is applied in defining a recursive definition for the language. We begin our definition with:


"EVENnotendB is the smallest subset of {a b}* such that

aa, ba EVENnotendB, and if w EVENnotendB then...".


Certain CONCAT operations which can generate all possible words belonging to EVENnotendB should now be provided.


Which one of the following is a CONCAT operation in this definition?


1. CONCAT(w, a)

2. CONCAT(a, w)

3. CONCAT(w, ab)

4. CONCAT(bb, w)

Option 1

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