question archive Before completing this discussion post, read the Therapies and Psychological Disorders sections in the course textbook (Experience Psychology)

Before completing this discussion post, read the Therapies and Psychological Disorders sections in the course textbook (Experience Psychology)

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Before completing this discussion post, read the Therapies and Psychological Disorders sections in the course textbook (Experience Psychology). Imagine that you are a psychologist reading case study notes on five clients. Each client has a specific psychological disorder, and your task is to determine, with evidence, what disorder the client has and the best therapy for the client. 

Case Study #1:

Zelda is extremely concerned with cleanliness. In fact, before she goes to bed at night, she goes through a cleaning ritual of her clothes and body that sometimes lasts up to 2 hours. If she misses a step in the ritual or performs part of it imperfectly, she starts the ritual all over again. 

Case Study #2:

Monica is suffering from a form of amnesia. She has deliberately left her home town moved to another city 350 miles away, and has assumed a new identity, a new job, and even new personality characteristics. 

Case Study #3:

Alex periodically suffers from extremely high levels of anxiety but he cannot pinpoint the source or otherwise say why he is so anxious. He is terrified at times, his heart often races, he feels wobbly, and has difficulty concentrating. 

Case Study #4:

Karen worries excessively about developing a rare disease. When she meets friends or writes letters to her relatives, she is constantly discussing how she feels and expresses concern that even the most minor irregularities in the functioning of her body are symptoms of underlying diseases. She spends a good deal of time consulting doctors for a second opinion. 

Case Study #5:

Terry complains that he is experiencing recurrent episodes of lightheadedness, rapid breathing, and dizziness, especially as he attempts to leave his house. The symptoms have become so severe that he is leaving his house less and less frequently. He now only goes to the grocery store in the company of his sister. Once in the store, he checks for the exits and windows immediately. 

After you have read each of the case studies, think about the client's psychological disorders and the most appropriate therapy for each of them. In your discussion post, include the following: 

1)Identify the psychological disorder each client has, and explain why you believe the client has the identified psychological disorder by using evidence from the textbook. You should source cite and reference your textbook. (10 points)

2)Identify and describe the type of therapy you believe is best suited for each client based on the psychological disorder he or she presents to therapy with using evidence from the textbook. You should source cite and reference your textbook. (10 points) 

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