question archive Compare the portrayal of Moses and the story of the Exodus in the Qur’an and the Hebrew Bible (specifically the Book of Exodus)
Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3
Compare the portrayal of Moses and the story of the Exodus in the Qur’an and the Hebrew Bible (specifically the Book of Exodus). Suras 2, 10, or 20 are good ones to use. Don’t discuss the “whole” story. Choose one or two episodes, elements, or themes, for example, God’s communications with Moses, Moses’ relationship to the Israelites, the treatment of Pharaoh, the disobedience of the Israelites, or any of the ones I list below in the guidelines for the quiz. Identify features that have been added to the biblical stories or altered, or important elements of the selected story in the Bible that have been omitted or silenced in the Qur’an. Explain how the changes you identify affect the meaning and interpretation of these biblical stories and figures. If you wish, you make comparisons with how Jesus and New Testament writers portrayed Moses. Please cite specific passages.