question archive A question posted on the gamefaqs

A question posted on the gamefaqs

Subject:StatisticsPrice: Bought3

A question posted on the website on August 1, 2011, asked visitors to the site, "Do you have an active social life outside the Internet?" 22% of the 55,581 respondents said "No" or "Not really, most of my personal contact is online."
Identify the following items (if possible). If you can't tell, then say so—this often happens when we read about a survey.
a) The population
b) The population parameter of interest
c) The sampling frame
d) The sample
e) The sampling method, including whether or not randomization was employed
f) Who (if anyone) was left out of the study.
g) Any potential sources of bias you can detect and any problems you see in generalizing to the population of interest


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