question archive For a particular clothing store, a marketing firm finds that 28% of $10-off coupons delivered by mail are redeemed

For a particular clothing store, a marketing firm finds that 28% of $10-off coupons delivered by mail are redeemed

Subject:StatisticsPrice:2.84 Bought6

For a particular clothing store, a marketing firm finds that 28% of $10-off coupons delivered by mail are redeemed. Suppose that 16 customers are randomly selected and are mailed $10-off coupons. Round your solutions for this exhibit to 4 decimal places.

1)What is the probability that five of the customers redeem the coupon?

2)What is the probability that more than 8 customers redeem the coupon?

3)What is the variance of the number of coupons that will be redeemed?

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