question archive Richards and Willard determined the molar mass of lithium and collected the following data
Subject:ChemistryPrice:5.87 Bought7
Richards and Willard determined the molar mass of lithium and collected the following data.6 Experiment Molar mass, g/mol
1 6.9391
2 6.9407
3 6.9409
4 6.9399
5 6.9407
6 6.9391
7 6.9406
(a) Find the mean molar mass determined by these workers.
(b) Find the median molar mass.
(c) Assuming that the currently accepted value for the molar mass of lithium is the true value, calculate the absolute error and the percent relative error of the mean value determined by Richards and Willard.
(d) Find in the chemical literature at least three values for the molar mass of lithium determined since 1910 and arrange them chronologically in a table or spreadsheet along with the values since 1817 given in the table on page 10 of the paper by Richards and Willard. Construct a graph of molar mass vs. year to illustrate how the molar mass of lithium has changed over the past two centuries. Suggest possible reason(s) why the value changes abruptly about 1830.
(e) The incredibly detailed experiments described by Richards and Willard suggest that it is unlikely that major changes in the molar mass of lithium will occur. Discuss this assertion in light of your calculation in part (c).
(f) What factors have led to changes in molar mass since 1910?
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