question archive (b) Read following short paragraphs and write an opening topic sentence for it
Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3
(b) Read following short paragraphs and write an opening topic sentence for it. Remember that it should be a generalisation that predicts what follows: The first GDP measurement is the "income received method", whereby the income received by the owners of productive resources is found by adding the wages, rent, interest and profit earned at each stage of production. The second means of measurement, "the production method" can be found using either the "final product" or the "value added", thus providing a figure for "value of production ". The third measurement, the "expenditure method" simply measures the amount spent buying finished goods. ii. In the earliest times, people carved or painted messages on rocks. Later on, people wrote on pieces of leather, rolled into scrolls. During the Middle Ages, heavy paper called parchment was used for writing, and books were laboriously copied by hand. Then in the middle of the fifteenth century, with the invention of the printing press, the birth of the modern printing industry was possible. And now the advent of computers is rapidly revolutionising the process of communication. iti. Even within Asia, for example, the internet is currently used by 63.3 per cent of the South Korea population, 35.9 per cent of Malaysia, 12.8 per cent of Thailand but only by 3.6 per cent of the India population (World States, 2005). As such, global internet marketers need to appreciate why people in a particular country may be more receptive to the internet than people in other countries. Even more critical is the need to understand the factors that might account for these differences in internet use and access across countries.