question archive Question 11: - When Hewlett-packard introduces its latest microchip at a very high price to consumers who are willing to pay top dollar for the latest technology, then gradually lowers the price in a stepwise fashion to attract additional market segments, it is practicing a strategy

Question 11: - When Hewlett-packard introduces its latest microchip at a very high price to consumers who are willing to pay top dollar for the latest technology, then gradually lowers the price in a stepwise fashion to attract additional market segments, it is practicing a strategy

Subject:MarketingPrice: Bought3

Question 11: - When Hewlett-packard introduces its latest microchip at a very high price to consumers who are willing to pay top dollar for the latest technology, then gradually lowers the price in a stepwise fashion to attract additional market segments, it is practicing a strategy. a ) market penetration b market skimming C) diffusion d) product obsolescence Question 12: - According to the five stages of the adoption process, a consumer goes through the stages, starting out with the first stage which is a need recognition b awareness C ) interest d) trial Question 13: - With reference to human perception, marketing communications stimuli are: a ) selected, organised and interpreted b) noticed, interpreted and classified C) selected, decoded and memorised observed, encoded and responded Question 14:- Which of the following is a step in the consumer decision-making process? Evaluation of Alternatives b Cognitive Dissonance Marketing Want Recognition


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