question archive Using the article by Remington (2002), answer each question below

Using the article by Remington (2002), answer each question below

Subject:NursingPrice:2.84 Bought8

Using the article by Remington (2002), answer each question below. Be prepared to discuss your answers with your team members.

1)What sampling strategy was used? Is this a probability or nonprobability sampling strategy?

2)What is the target population?  What eligibility criteria were used for the sample?

3)Did the authors mention how the choice of sample size was determined, and if so, how?

4)Which of the three major methods of data collection were used by the researchers? Describe the advantages and disadvantages to using this data collection method.

5)Recall the DV (outcome). What is the operational definition (how did the researchers measure the outcome)? Be specific, use the formal name if there is one and describe the scoring.

6)What evidence of validity for the tool/instrument was provided? (If none noted, give an example of how validity COULD be established for this measure.)

7)What evidence of reliability for the tool/instrument was provided? (If none noted, give an example of how reliability COULD be established for this measure.)

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