question archive 1)A survey was conducted in the United States and 10 countries of Western Europe to determine the percentage of teenagers who had used marijuana and other drugs

1)A survey was conducted in the United States and 10 countries of Western Europe to determine the percentage of teenagers who had used marijuana and other drugs

Subject:StatisticsPrice: Bought3

1)A survey was conducted in the United States and 10 countries of Western Europe to determine the percentage of teenagers who had used marijuana and other drugs. The results are summarized in the table Drug Abuse, found in the class StatCrunch group .

a) Make a scatterplot. Describe the relationship, if any, between the variables. Be sure to discuss direction, form, and strength of the relationship.

b) What is the correlation between the percent of teens who have used marijuana and the percent who have used other drugs? Use StatCrunch to calculate the correlation.

c)D o these results confirm that marijuana is a "gateway drug"? That is, do these results confirm that marijuana use leads to the use of other drugs? Explain


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