question archive Choose one chronic illness (heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, cancer, kidney disease, lupus, Alzheimer disease, etc

Choose one chronic illness (heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, cancer, kidney disease, lupus, Alzheimer disease, etc

Subject:PsychologyPrice:3.87 Bought7

Choose one chronic illness (heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, cancer, kidney disease, lupus, Alzheimer disease, etc.) and discuss the ways in which psychology is involved at various stages such as at the initial onset of symptoms, diagnosis, and ongoing management of symptoms and treatments. You can do research online or talk to someone you know who has the chronic illness you chose to cover.

Share at least one behavioral change a family member or friend can make to help someone who has the selected chronic illness.

Make sure you are using APA references and citations.

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