question archive DQ 1) Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply

DQ 1) Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply

Subject:Health SciencePrice: Bought3

DQ 1) Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply. As a health care administrator, how important is having the ability to read medical charts and reports? Why can abbreviations in charts be a cause of concern? How would you ensure that your staff and other health care professionals are proficient in medical abbreviations and terminology?

DQ 2) This discussion question is an audio discussion. Begin the debate and leave it open for your classmates to debate with you. As a part of this debate, you will talk about patient reference, patient report, or health coverage problems. You should also provide a written transcript of all your replies. Your part of the debate should reflect the following criteria:


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