question archive Assignment, from the information below, can you paraphrase it in new sentences and organizations? 1
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Assignment, from the information below, can you paraphrase it in new sentences and organizations? 1.1 Welcome
As a new employee of The Big House Restaurant, your will receive a written Contract of Employment. This document outlines the general Terms and Conditions of Employment and is a confidential document between you and The Big House Restaurant. Please read it carefully and sign it. This signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions under which you are employed. You will be kept informed and notified in writing of any subsequent changes to your terms of employment.
1.2 Purpose of this Handbook
This Employee Handbook is designed to provide you with information about working conditions benefits, and policies affecting your employment.
The information contained in this Handbook applies to all our employees. Following the policies described in this Handbook is considered a condition of continued employment. However, nothing in this Handbook alters an employee's status. The contents of this Handbook shall not constitute nor be construed as a promise of employment or as a contract between the Company and any of its employees. The Handbook is a summary of our policies, which are presented here only as a matter of information.
You are responsible for reading, understanding and complying with the provisions of this Handbook. Our objective is to provide you with a positive and safe work environment that is free from Discrimination and Harassment.
1.3 Benefits
Jury Duty and Witness Service. If called for jury duty, an employee will be granted time-off with pay from their regular work schedule to perform this civic responsibility. An employee must notify his supervisor immediately upon receipt of the official notice of such duty.
Time off will begin on the day the employee is required to serve, and the employee will be given a reasonable amount of time to report for jury duty. An official written record of the time served must be given to the employee's supervisor upon return to work.
An employee who is subpoenaed to serve as a witness in a case, or who appears as a witness and accepts a fee, must take vacation leave or leave without pay if no vacation leave is available. This type of court appearance is considered personal business. When an employee is called to appear in court at the Company's direction in an employee's official capacity, it will be considered time worked.
Emergency / Bereavement Leave. Employees may be given up to 2 days leave with pay, 5 days if out of State, for the death of immediate family members. To be eligible for emergency leave, an employee should notify the supervisor or department head immediately. Upon return to work, an official record, obituary notice, or other form of documentation to substantiate the request for paid leave may be required.
Only the President may grant emergency leave to an employee for other reasons determined to be for good cause.
Immediate family includes: husband, wife, children (including step-children), brothers, sisters (including stepbrother or stepsister), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, parents (including stepparents), grandparents, grandchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sons-in-law, or daughters-in-law.
Voting. Voting hours are such that an employee generally may vote either before or after work. However, when it is not possible to vote before or after regular working hours, supervisors may give an employee permission to be up to two hours late in arriving to work or to leave up to two hours early to vote. The supervisor will determine whether or not the request will be approved based on the particular situation.
Maternity Leave. Arrangements for maternity leave will be in accordance with the provisions of the Maternity Protection Acts 1994 & 2004.
As a pregnant employee you are entitled to 26 weeks maternity leave around the time of birth of the child and an additional unpaid leave period up to a maximum of 16 weeks, following consultation with you and management. It is important that, of the 26 weeks, at least 2 weeks should be taken before the end of the week in which the baby is due, and 4 weeks after that date. The remaining 20 weeks may be taken before or after the birth.
You must give the company at least 4 weeks notice in writing of your intention to take maternity leave combined with a medical certificate confirming the expected week of the birth of the baby. If you wish to take additional maternity leave, this must be confirmed in writing 4 weeks before the end of the maternity leave period. When returning to work you should give 4 weeks notice of your intended return to work date.
You are entitled to paid time off for medical or related antenatal and post- natal care. Please give management 2 weeks notice of such appointments. Medical evidence of these appointments may be requested.
During maternity leave, your rights such as annual leave are preserved and continue to accrue as if you were not absent from work. While on maternity leave an Employee will normally be entitled to Maternity pay from the department of Social and Family Affairs for the 26 weeks maternity leave, depending on meeting certain PRSI eligibility criteria. Social welfare benefits are not payable during the optional additional 16 weeks maternity leave. You should apply at least 10 weeks prior to the expected birth of the child.
An employee, who is pregnant, has recently given birth or who is breastfeeding, will not be placed in any job that is a risk to her Health & Safety or that of her child. If such a risk exists the company will remove the risk, re-assign the employee or place her on Health &Safety leave.
There are two Breastfeeding Arrangements in place. Option 1 allows an Employee who is breastfeeding to reduce her hours by 1 hour per day for the purposes of breastfeeding other than in the workplace. Option 2 allows an Employee who is breastfeeding, to work breaks equivalent to 1 hour per day for the purposes of breastfeeding in the workplace.
The Company reserves the right to refuse payment for time-off to Employees where there is an abuse of this procedure, and any such abuses will be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure.